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  • ((PFFT))
    Me: Yaay!
    Italy: Ve~ Geeeeeeeermaaaaanyyyy~! *runs towards Germany's home*
    Me: Yaa- Holy Roman Empire he's fast. *runs and follows*
    Austria: Goodbye.
    Me: You know, Southern Italy is kind of far away, but we could walk to Germany!
    Italy: Ve~ Okay! Let's-a go visit Germany~!
    AND I SHALL TAKE HIM HOME AND FEED HIM PASTA. Oh, and the kitty too.

    I'm thinkin' since Skyman is finished, maybe our orders should come from him, and he's supposed to go with us. Stealth Force regularly delivers messages anyhow. Whaddaya think?
    Me: I dunno. We got lost. HEY ITA-CHAN? WHERE ARE YOU?
    Austria: Out. Now.
    Me: Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay then. :P C'mon Italy, we're going to pick up your brother! And then England! :D
    Me: It was cool. I would personally start playing a Rage Against the Machine song, but that's my thing. :D
    Austria: Why thank you. And of course I know Germany. The two of us both speak German, and we were allies in World War 1. ((True story.))
    Austria: Thank you for your politeness. Of course, despite--
    Me: AUSTRIA.
    Austria: *sigh* What?
    Me: Do you have any linzer tortes?
    Austria: I am sorry, but I gave Germany the last one a few days ago.
    ((I'm a horrible Austria D: I'm only used to Japan, Italy, Romano, and England.))
    Me: I HOPE SOOOOO!! Hey Ita-chan, are you sure we're in the right place? This just doesn't seem... Romanoish.
    Italy: Actually I'm not sure~. ROOOMANOOO~
    mysterious person: I was trying to enjoy myself until you came in. To express my anger, I shall play this piano. *plays piano*
    Me: Your anger is... Beethoven. //shot for stealing joke
    Me: We were singing last time.


    *chirp chirp*

    Italy: Ok~ this is where he said he was~ Let's go in~
    ((Wait till you get to the last Chibitalia-related episode. Puberty hit Italy like a cinder block. Lol))
    Italy: Ve~ I'll call him and see what he says~

    Romano: What Feli? I'm kinda busy here.
    Italy: Ve~ Where are you today~? Did you go visit big brother Spain~?
    Romano: Are you with macho potato?
    Italy: Huh? Oh, you mean Germany~? No, I've been in Egypt~.
    Romano: What the hell?
    Italy: Ve~ I'll explain later.
    Romano: Alright. I was eating tomatoes. All alone and stuff.
    Italy: OK! Bye~!
    Romano: Wait Fel--
    *boop boop*

    Feli: To Southern Italy we go~!
    ((And also: scanlations of Himaruya-san's original webcomic areHere. Fun if you want to learn about the nation-tans that aren't in the anime.))
    ((Are you watching dub or sub? Both are worth it; Funimation is fifty million times better at dubbing than 4kids. OH YES I DID))
    Italy: Ve~ You can call me either one~ Us nations have human names that we're used to so it's OK~
    Me: YES. *EFF* France. Come on Ita-chan, let's go!

    Italy: Ve~ Ok! Off to find Romano! *gets on blimp*

    Me: *gets on blimp* Kaiba is not going to be happy. But we'll take care of him. *evil laugh*
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