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  • That it would be.

    No, I'm just looking at a bunch of Masquerade stuff and a few dragons carvings and such. See what comes up.
    Oh jesus X3

    Also, gotta' say this just for kicks.

    Way to find the least epic possible.

    Hm... You know if we want to seem unoriginal, we could go for the throat.

    And by that I mean dragons.
    Silleh Silleh

    I was thinkin' since he's really tall, he can have, like, a Sasquatch mask or something. And ressurecion will be a Sasquatch/yeti/whatever he is. Not sure how that would look with a cracked mask though.

    And Sasquatch isn't the most epic. But that's an idea.
    Here, have some Grimmjow music to help~ :3

    Even if they did spell his last name wrong. It's Jaegerjaquez, not Jaggerjack. >:/
    .... YESH. I was planning on waiting until Yoshi's thread had a spot open. Use his dinky little form. I can't decide how much his mask should be cracked, though. Or a release form (I can't spell the word for Arrancar Release. Ressurecion or something).
    Me: Hey, look! We're at the right house! *knocks on door* Hello~?
    A voice that is sooo obviously America: Hey England! I didn't know you had visitors!
    Another voice that sounds like England: I didn't! But if there are people at the door, then open it!!
    A third voice that sounds about 12: I'LL GET IT~!

    *door opens*

    Sealand: Oi! People! Jerk England said to come in desu yo!
    Italy: *takes everyone's bowls* Thaaaaanks~! I loooove cooking pasta~! :D
    Germany: Vhat's all the excitement? It's only England.
    Me: ... I'll forgive you for that because Germany's cool.
    WELL, math class was interesting today, because I wanted to work on requests, but couldn't remember diddly squat about them, so figured I would start doodling... Other things. When Lamourna came to mind, I decided to make a jester mask. Unfortunately, the best I could do on a first attempt was this thing. I'll prob'ly do a better one later. Because this is too simple and Ichigo-ish to satisfy me.

    BUT, thought you might wanna' see... Not really sure why I thought that, but, meh.
    Italy: I'm-a glad you all like it~!
    Me: Mm. This is good. *noms* I should get you to make me some gnocchi sometime.
    Germany: Gnocchi?
    Me: It's like pasta, but it has potatoes in the middle so they're like little balls.*om nom*
    Italy: I invented it because Germany likes potatoes~! Romano really complained though.
    Me: Of course he did. *nom*
    Since you're such a Bleach fan, I think you'll really appreciate this little thought.

    I picture this playing every time Connor and Cel have a conversation like they are now. Tis awesome. And it took me, like, a full hour to find that track.
    So, what about Thorne's character? Would you rather say Thorne and Skyman both deliver orders, or would you be in a good enough "working mood" to edit in a name to the first post? I don't really care either way, so... Unless You have another idea, of course.
    Germany: It's Italy. Of course it's good.
    Me; But england's cooking is awesome! I mean, he makes fish and chips!Fish and *EFFING* chips!
    Italy: Ve~ Here you go~ *gives* And some for Germany too~ *gives* and Frosty *gives*
    Me: Hmm? Oh, thanks Italy.
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