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  • ...

    This will be fun!
    ...Yeah. He did have that crush on her...but after all he's been through, I think it's gone.

    Or is it????
    ...Wait, what?


    Interesting way to think of it, I goose. I mean, he is Vegeta's son.

    ...yeah. He's been a drunk since...like...after killing his son from the future. But that doesn't seem to be one of the reasons, 'cause he shows no remorse for doing that, and almost acts as if he wanted to.

    Wait, what

    No seriously, what

    You have no idea how long Trunks has spent his days in a drunken daze.

    The world of Game's gone topsy-turby!

    Vegeta's suicidal, there's a Dragonball in space, and Trunks is tipsy.
    Germany: Ja, it's fine.

    Bandit Keith: Somehow I ended up here, and was dismayed because it wasn't America!

    America: I know you! You're American! And actually act it too, unlike this person! *points to me* Coolest person I've seen all day!

    Bandit Keith: Another American! Let's get a Pepsi... In America!

    America: Yes, let's! *leaves for McDonalds with Bandit Keith*

    Me: Well, there go two idiots...

    Stevenyan: Master Marik, do you want me to go find more Steves nya?

    Me: This is starting to remind me of Krazoa...
    Me: You got that right. :3

    Stevenyan: Nya~ *comes in with some random person*

    Me: We need a cat translator.

    England: *runs off* *comes back with book* Er, this should put a translation spell on Stevenyan. *casts spell*

    Stevenyan: Master, this was all I could find nya~ Also sorry about the hair gel but I couldn't find any nya~
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