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  • Germany: *attempts* Zis isn't so hard. *starts going slowly*

    Me: H-holy crap... O///O

    England: You say that a lot...

    Me: *tries and fails to stand up* Oh god I'm so sorry!

    England: *somehow manages to stand up* Here. *helps me up*

    Me: ...Thanks. O///O
    Germany: Ja, I suppose so. *stands up with help of wall*

    Me: What am I doing sitting here? *gets in rink* WEEEEEEEE *falls on England*

    England: O///O
    Germany: Danke. *puts on shoes*

    Italy: *is in rink* Ve~! Germany! Look at meee~! I'm doing it~!


    Italy:*crash* Oww.

    Germany: *facepalm* Mien gott.
    Me: Um... Ulqi...

    England: *gets in rink* :) I forgot how fun this is~!

    Italy: Ve~ Germany, can you help me tie these?~?

    Germany: Oh, ja. Here.
    ((I meant to make Germany's feet bigger, but I suck at shoe sizes ;~;))
    Germany: ... I believe the American size is 8...

    Me: Wheeeeeeeeee~! *grabs a pair of 7 1/2s*

    Italy: Ve~ *grabs pair of 7s* These look right.

    England: *grabs a pair*
    *puts on skates* Hmm. A little tight. I should have brought my own.
    Me: Yaay~!

    England: *sigh* Well, that's good.

    Germany: Ja, we're fine.

    Italy: It was kind of scary in here when the lights were off!
    ME: Wee~! *rushes in*

    Germany: Ulqi! *runs in*

    England: W-wait! *runs in*

    Italy: Not agaiiiiiin! *runs in*
    Italy: Ve~ Thanks~

    Me: That'd be terrible.

    England: ... I swear this is a trap.

    Me: We'll be fiiiine. I'm a half-dragon and you're, well, England. It's cool.
    Germany: *blush* ...Ja. *follows*

    Italy: Guys? GUYS?! Don't leave me here all alone! *runs after Germany*
    Me: Sure, why not? *Walks towards it*

    Germany: Hmm. A little suspicious, but I guess it's okay.

    England: I don't think this is a goo- NYUU! FROST! IT'S A TRAP!

    America: *comes out of ceiling* Oh, so quoting Star Wars, eh?


    America: *leaves*

    England: Frost wait! *runs off to try and catch up with me*

    Germany: Ja, we're not in such a big hurry. *waits for Ulqi*
    England: Hmm. I'm not sure.

    Me: I have no idea. I know vaguely where one is in the city that I live in. Key word vague.
    Me: ...(Crap I'm not sure If I can do it...)

    England: It's not that hard. It's actually kinda fun.

    Me: ...holy crap.
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