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  • ...Okay...Chan.


    Germany: *looks away*

    England: Hm? What's going on over there?

    Me: Holy crap Iggy-kun's kisses are awesome... Nothing of importance...
    Germany: Ummm... Vhat would Italy do... He vould kiss her! Is zat too much?! I'll just have to try it...
    *kisses Ulqi*
    :3, just... :3.

    You would be suprised how hard it is to find a good picture of Neko Vegeta.

    *hits you with a stick*
    Germany: N-nien, that's alright... I-I just... Er...
    Vhat do I do...

    England: *looks away*

    Me: ...Igirisu...
    Germany: E-er... Vell... I'd be fine on my own... Scheiße! Vhat do I say! I don't know what to do...

    England: *kiss*

    Me: *blushes bright red*
    ((Lol. There's another one with Prussia on it that says 'I'm Awesome' and *squee* an England plushie~! They also have a Germany keychain that is so much freaking cheaper than the plushie :P))

    Germany: *blush*
    *looks away* J-ja.

    England: *stops*

    Me: Hm?

    England: *blush*
    Germany: *blush* Oh, ja.

    Me: Um... Would you like to spend some time with me sometime? I mean we don't have to do anything special we could just watch Doctor Who together sometime but still...

    England: Crap. I was never good at this type of thing. Not with a girl likeher.I barely know anything about her, but I still... S***! I'm turning into France! Um... I guess...

    Me: *didn't notice England's response*We could go to a concert too or whatever you like I mean not like a classical concert but The Rolling Stones or somone like that or maybe even Adele--

    England: Frost.

    Me: Yeeees?

    England: I said yes.

    Me: O///O Really? I didn't notice.

    England: I can tell.

    ((This is the shirt she gave me! It has so much England! I'm wearing it right now~!))
    Germany: ...Ja?

    Me: Eeeeengland~?

    England: *still blushing a bit* Yes?

    ((Haha I'm cutting it up for suspense >:D))
    Germany: *blush* Alright.

    Me: IGGY-KUN~! Let's skate together!

    England: O///O

    ((I can't trust her though, she's a Russia fangirl :P She's still awesome though.))
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