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  • Germany: Here's a mistake you can make in your life.
    *punches noob in the face*
    Never make a German mad.

    America: Haha~! So you're not actually American?

    Bandit Keith: No, I'm from Canada.

    America: Wait, where?

    Canada: I'm your brother!

    Kumajiro: Who?

    Canada: I'm Canada!
    ((Of cooourse~! Cause Germany has no idea what he's doooing~!))

    Germany: Hn? Who are they? Schliebe! It's zat one guy from before! I think I should follow zem...
    Italy? Could I get through?

    Italy: Ve~ Okay~
    *gets out to let Germany through*

    Germany: Danke.
    *gets out of booth*
    *follows noobs like a baws ninja*
    Frostagin: *curious look*
    Well, okay. I'll go order then. *leaves to front counter*
    Germany: Is Ulqi okay? Vait, vhy am I so worried about her? I mean, I barely evenknow her! But still... Ach.
    Frostagin:...Waaaaaaait a miniute. This isn't Skyline. This is Long John Silvers/A&W! (Those do exist, btw.) Yaay~

    Germany: Ach. Just relax. Maybe after all this craziness is over, I can get Austria to make a linzer torte for me. Ja, zat vould be nice.

    Frostagin: Ummmmmmmm.... Everyone tell me what they want, and I'll go order~!

    England: *glances at menu* I'll have some fish and chips.

    Frostagin: Okay, so what do you want Germany?

    Germany: Hn. I'm not hungry.

    Frostagin: ...Okay~! Italy?

    Italy: Ve~ Do they have pasta~?

    Frostagin: I don't think so.

    Italy: Ve. I'll make some pasta at England's house, then.

    Frostagin: Okaay, How about you Ulqi?
    *looks at the menu*
    Hmm. I think I know what I'm getting.
    *glances at Ulqi*
    I... I don't understand... Vhy...?
    *looks away*
    Vhy... Vhy Ulqi...? She's just so...
    Frost: I know what I want~

    Germany: *stares off into the distance*
    Ach... Vhat is zis? Vhy do I keep feeling zis vay? Vhat does it mean? I've barely even known Ulqi, and already I care for her at least as much as I do Italy...

    ((By the way, I forgot to mention that Frost really loves meat.))
    Frost: *slides in with Ulqi*
    *looks around*
    Hey, it's Skyline~! I love Skyline!

    England: *slides in on opposite side*
    How can I not get food without offending anyone? I'm not going to eat much here...

    Germany: *slides in next to England*

    Italy: Ve~ We're lucky the booth is big! *slides in next to Germany*
    Frost: Hey, are you alright?

    ((Frost isn't in any RPs, but I can PM you a description of her if you like. Might be easier to understand the way she works.))
    Frost: Hm? Oh, all right.
    *quiet undertone*
    You got lucky, buster.

    Italy: GER-

    Germany: Feli!

    Italy: Oh, right~! Sorry~! Anyway, I'm so happy I found you! I was sooooo scared~!

    Germany: *sigh* Ja, ja. You're alright now.
    Germany: Ggghhh...

    Frost: Who the hell does he think he is?!
    *grabs noob's shirt*
    Hey. You mess with me and my friends, you're in big trouble.
    *growls, almost like a dragon*
    Germany: Hey! Who do you think you are, treating her like zat?!

    Frost: Hm? *sees gang*
    Oh Bidaum... I hope I don't have to intervene...
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