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  • (Germany)
    I'm mostly just used to it. I've got two dogs, and they need to be walked in the morning. But... It is nice to have some company.
    Sure is a nice day, isn't it?

    What do you mean~? It's cooold~

    Blitzie vould like the veather today... Goldie vould'nt like it though... I hope Prussia is taking good care of them.

    Man! Those dogs are wild!
    (He takes good care of them because Germany will get mad if he doesn't.)
    *mouth full*
    You do that.

    What? What are those?! Frostagin has dragon wings?!
    *pulls Frostagin over*

    Mm? What?

    Why do you have dragon wings?

    Crap... I suppose he had to find out eventually... I'll play dumb for now, just in case...
    What? If I had those, wouldn't someone else have noticed them?

    Well, I can see things that others can't, so no one else will see them.

    ...Oh. I-I'll tell you later.
    I think he went for a walk. He misses his dogs. They're cute dogs~

    Aww... I like steak...

    Here eat a cinnamon roll!

    Mm? Why...?
    Oh yeah. I do that in the mornings. Just be glad no one mentioned bacon.
    Ve~ I was just cooking some breakfast~ It's some sort of cinnamon roll thing~ I was going to cook breakfast pizza, but Germany and England said nobody would eat it~

    *opens eyes*
    Ah, I remember this being a lot more comfortable...
    *changes into jeans, a t-shirt that has the cover of Abbey Road on it, and a pair of blue sneakers*
    *walks into kitchen*
    Hm? Tea? Can I have some?

    Is this girl seriously American?
    Oh, sure.
    *hands over a cup full of tea*

    Mmhmm thanks.
    *is still curled up asleep*

    Oy, Italy. Wake up and cook breakfast.

    I don't wanna...

    Would you rather eat England's food?

    *sits up*

    Hmm... I wonder if anyone else will want tea.
    *changes into light blue pajamas with little chibi dragons on them*
    *sees Ulqi's lip*
    Waise heill.
    *Ulqi's lip is healed*
    *curls up on ground*
    *goes to sleep*
    Goodnight everyone!
    *blows kiss to England*
    *goes into room*

    Why... Is she...

    Come on Germany~!
    *grabs arm*

    *walks towards room with Italy close behind*
    Why are you asking me? ":D?", my foot, I can't even keep my own self joyful for twenty minutes.
    Vell, Italy always climbed into my bed back in Vorld Var 2. So I'd be fine with the queen bed with Italy.
    It does get annoying at times, though.

    Are you sure I can't stay with you, Iggy-kun? Then we all can sleep in a bed~!

    *blushes deeper*

    *turns towards Ulqi*
    Hmn. That might not be a good idea, Sealand might show up.

    She knows exactly what I was thinking!
    *is still blushing*

    Really Ulqi. I'll be fine. I'm used to hard floors, and the cold doesn't bother me at all. If anyone sleeps on a floor, it's me.
    No, I'll stay with Iggy-kun and you can have the twin room~!

    I-I'm not sure that's such a good idea...

    Oh right... I forgot how people are about these things...
    Alright then! I'll sleep on the floor~!
    That's my inner Trunks getting revenge for the frying pan. I think Rainn has lost it.
    Well, I actually have 3... but I really don't think you'd want to stay in America's room...

    *looks in*
    Ve~ That's messy~

    Who knows what the hell's in there. We'll have to work out who's sleeping with who. Also, one of them has a twin bed, so only one person can stay in there.
    I'm extremely sorry about all this.
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