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  • (Frostagin)
    Hm. I guess that's just me. I like the cold.

    You're weiiiiiiiird.

    I'm weirder than you think.

    What's that supposed to mean?

    It is cold.
    *goes in*

    I don't see what this is all about, it's nice out.
    *goes in anyway*

    What's going on?

    Nothing of importance.
    *sings a different song*
    Hey hey mama said the way you groove~ Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove~
    Did the translation spell wear off, I wonder...
    Is it you~ Is it me~ Search for things that you can't see~ Going blind, out of reach~ Somewhere in the vasoline~
    I will point out that Ulqi just stole it back, making it hers again.
    *pulls out crappy mp3 player*
    *listens to random songs*
    Hmm. It's nice out here.

    *steps out*
    What are you talking about~? It's coooooooold~!
    Yeah, back in Kentucky...
    *sees Stevenyan*
    Holy crap!
    *attempts to grab Stevenyan by the rainbow*
    Maybe. I'm not sure about the weather here.

    It rains. Just like back home. Ahh, the weather there is so weird...
    Ve~ I'm in here~

    *runs off*

    Another question I don't think anyone can answer. Japan might, though. He's good friends with Greece.
    *notices Ulqi is still cold*
    Er, do you want to go back to England's house?

    Ja. I'm not sure if I could stand getting another dog after one of them died.
    Though I think you're right, considering how long Greece's cats have lived. Of course, he may just have a bunch of cats.
    ((I just gave up on showing Germany's accent through text. You get to imagine it now. :D))

    Hm. I've always wondered about that. I mean, will the pets of the countries die like normal animals? Or will they live on with us?
    ((Yeah, I had to give my brother the computer. EDIT: Hahaha~! I found a Hetalia version of that one Toy Story bit!Link~))
    Ja. Zere's Aster, a Golden retriever, Blackie, a German Shepherd, und Berlitz, a Doberman. Zey're good dogs.
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