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  • Yus.
    Let me ruin your brain with two simple words...

    Neko Jabba.

    That's not going to happen, but I imagine it'll make your head huet.
    ((I FOUND IT~! And out of sheer luck too~! Tada~!))
    Come in~!
    *opens door wider*

    *steps in*
    You've been spending too much time with Italy. It happened to Japan once.
    Er, Frostagin? I've only got two guest rooms...
    ((It's usually captioned with {x}.{x} everywhere. I thought I knew where one was but I couldn't find it.))

    *knocks on door*

    *opens door*
    ((The one that's all over the internet where Buzz shows Woody something And Woody's all like D:. It may have been in Toy Story 2.))

    N-nien... It's alright... I'm happy I could help you...
    It's not that far, If I remember right.
    *points towards a large house*
    Zat's it, over there.
    ((Oh god I just had a horrible vision of Germany and Ulqi in that one scene from Toy Story. XD))
    Also, I've been meaning to explain to you Game's solar system so you'll at least know the names of the planets..
    *phone rings*
    *answers phone*

    Ve~ Germany~?

    Ja, Italy?

    Ve~ We're staying at England's house tonight~

    Ja, alright. Ve'll be there.
    *hangs up*
    Italy says zat ve're staying at England's house tonight. Ve should head in zat direction.
    ((Agh. *EFF*ing server. I couldn't post this last night because of it. I had to retype it. I had typed out this whole thing too.))


    Hey, where are we going to stay the night?

    I've got a big house.


    Hey, what about Germany and Ulqi-chan?

    Ve~ I'll call Germany~
    ((Also, according to Google Translate, that means 'loved one'. So.))

    Germany: *stares*
    Germany: *blushes redder*
    You-you're welcome... Ulqi-leiben.

    ((Totally not proper German, but whatever. I really don't think Germany would use Japanese suffixes.))
    Germany: *blush*
    I-it's alright... You're okay now...
    *is used to dealing with these situations with Italy*
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