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  • Germany: If zis vas Berlin, I'd shout at everyone until they became orderly. But zis in England, und I zon't know the vay England does zese things.
    Ja... I-I vas just looking for him because he tends to get in trouble...
    Germany: A-ah... Ulqi... I was just looking for Italy. Have you seen him?


    Italy: Waah! I'm so scared! Where is everybody?
    Me: I'm not criticizing people that like it, but I certainly don't. I prefer a nice steak.
    *walks in but is quickly lost*
    Ah crap. Lost everyone.

    England: Frost? Where are you? I'll just cook myself some scones at home. I'm not going to eat this kind of food.
    England: ...*mad* Why does that damn America have to put his stuff everywhere?

    Frost: Well at least it's not McDonalds. That food doesn't rot.
    Me: I could heal that... But that would be a waste of energy. Besides, I couldn't do something like that in public!
    Um... Want a bandaid? Italy might have one.
    Frost: WHEE~
    *runs off*

    England: ... Weirdo.

    Germany: ... O.o *follows*

    Italy: GERMAAANY~ *follows*
    Frost: Well, that's a novel idea.

    England: Hmm. I'm frankly not sure what restaurant that is.

    Frost: Let's go find out~!
    ((Lol. Frostagin also has a 'secret' that I plan on her eventually telling England, and she might be forced to tell everyone else for some reason. >:D))

    Me: We could go eat something. I'm hungry.

    England: I'll cook.

    Italy: NONONO-

    Frost: Ah, Iggy-kun, that won't be necessary. So what will we do about food?

    Germany: Hm. I'm not sure.

    Frost: Ulqi-chan, what do you think?
    Everglider misses you!
    (I feel like a messenger. You're the third person I've told this to.)
    Not sure what Hetalia is other than that I've seen new episodes listed on Dubhappy.

    Who? Who's the character? I demand to know.

    Think I'm going to base my character on Nnoitora. Multiple limbs made of glowy aura sounds fun. But I won't keep the spoon-hood.
    ((Haha okay. Technically Frost isn't me, she's mostly more adventurous. I think I'll switch to third-person too, because I RP easier that way.))

    Germany: *slips on regular shoes/boot thingies*

    England: I think we're leaving. *takes off skates and puts sneakers back on*

    Frost: *does the same*

    Italy: Ve? Guys?
    *takes off skates*
    Germany? Can you help me tie me shoes?

    Frost: I'll do it. *ties Italy's shoes*

    Italy: Ve~ Thank you~
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