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  • (Germany)

    Hey! Heeeeeeeeey! I brought an umbrella for you guys!
    *trips on a rock*
    *falls flat on her face*
    U-Ulqi! Are you alright?
    *somehow manages to run to her without harm, likely due to army boots*

    *pauses Doctor Who*
    I'm going to go find them. With extra umbrellas.

    I don't have any.


    Well, I might have one somewhere... Here it is.

    I'll deal with the rain. Gimme.
    If we run we should be able to get to England's house before we get too wet!

    It just started raining. I hope those two are alright.

    *is watching Doctor Who*
    Ha! Stick Hitler in the cupboard...
    Ach... What am I doing... I don't understand... Why I feel like this... Is going with my heart the wrong thing to do?

    I'm thinking, after all the Dragonballs are collected, Vegeta, his actions controlled by Yu, shows up, kicks everyone's asses, and wishes Doji back. Vegeta than coughs up Yu, and destroys him, with the intention of making Trunks cough up Doji so he can have a rematch.

    Then, epic Neko battle that ends with Doji being destroyed by Vegeta and Trunks being a lump of insanity.


    But soon, they all will be dead.

    Actually, I have an idea for a delicous plot twist.
    I think the Neko thing is it's own thing.

    ..I feel bad the only villains I ever make are Nekoes...but I really like Nekoes. I've always really liked mind-control type villains.

    ...I don't remember any Rainn's or Bakura's in GT. So, they're themselves.
    All of then can be traced back to GT.

    Richie=some odd combination of Pan and Goku
    Bakura=an asshat
    Trunks=GT Trunks
    Neko Vegeta=Baby Vegeta
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