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  • (England)
    Likely so. Maybe we should go in the basement...

    Iggy-kun, you seem apprehensive?


    Whatever it is, it'll be alright. Let's go on down.

    Alright. It's this way.
    *goes downstairs*



    Ah... Ulqi, let's go...
    So that this isn't just a message posted out of annoyance, I would like to show you this fake narration I wrote up.

    Next time on Dragonball Quest GT...
    Our heroes return to Richie's home after a very odd trip into space, when they discover...

    Vegeta (his actions influenced by a Neko named Yu Bejita) has been living in Richie's home during their absence, and came to tell of the premoniton he had. But when he's able to get their attention, Yu stops him and Vegeta is unable to warn them of the horrible monster that will soon manifest itself in Trunks.
    Suddenly, Yu seizes control, and Vegeta steals the Five Dragonballs the Z Fighters have gathered, taking them to a secluded island where the other two are.

    all of Trunks' fears are realized, as Doji, the evil Neko who tormented him for so long, is revived. But what poesses Trunks is not completely Doji. It's mutated into something darker and much more sinister, which proves to be too much for Trunks to control.

    To the the horror of Richie, Rainn, and Bakura, Trunks becomes a violent monster bent on killing them all.

    Can Game's Fighters put a stop to this without seriously injuring Trunks? Or worse, killing him?
    *worried face*
    I don't feel bad, which I usually do during a tornado or hurricane, so it can't be that... I wonder if it's a magical creature...

    Oh man, I hope not...
    Hm... I don't think so. I'd know if it was.

    Well~ You don't really want to go into the basement, it's messy down there~

    Good save, Minty.
    We'll be fine up here for now.
    Well, most people can't see him, so...
    *jumps as well*
    *Accidentally lands on England*
    Crap... Sorry...
    *gets off England, still holding onto his arm*

    Hmm... I wonder what's going on... It usually isn't this bad...

    What do you mean? It usually rains, doesn't it?

    Not like this... It just rains.
    *knee is not bleeding*
    Wait, Ulqi? You can see Minty?

    *runs in*
    I found a Band-Aid~!
    Er, Frosty? Do you want to..?

    I've got it.
    *puts bandaid on*
    *Flinches as thunder cracks outside*
    *goes to look*

    I don't think regular bandages are going to help... If it wasn't raining... Agh.

    (Flying Mint Bunny)
    Hey Frostagin, I heard that you needed help and you were a friend of England's so I flew right over!
    *starts licking the wound*

    Hey... That tickles! XD

    *stops licking*

    It stopped hurting~! It's still bleeding though...
    I command you to go to DQ.

    If you want, you can has it.

    An open mind is like a fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded. But for me, it's a playhouse!

    You liek teh Tv Tropes? Yay!
    Inspriration= http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MindRape
    Lol. Only...two. There was another one in there, but I decided the ones I originally had were enough. Also, all the song lyrics are from either Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan, or from browsing TV Tropes.

    ~Now you know~
    Blaaaah. In internet, non-depressing news, I've finally created the perfect signature, I think. It even has DQ references.
    You know, I wish there was a way to convey the emotion used when saying something over the internet. Anyways:

    Please post.
    *opens door*
    Come in! I have a feeling it's going to get worse.

    *stumbles in*

    Frost! Are you alright? What the hell happened to your knee?!

    I tripped on a rock, and fell. I thought it was just a scrape, but I think it's worse than that.

    *helps Frost onto couch*

    *rushes in to keep the stuffed animal dry*
    *scoots a little closer to Ulqi so she won't have as much trouble holding the umbrella*

    How can I fix this... My knee will take at least four days to heal, and that's including how fast I heal... Maybe England can help me repair the tissue... If only humans had scales...
    *tries to put weight on it*
    Crap... It must be deeper than I thought... Why are humans so fragile... Ow...
    Um... here.
    *hands umbrella to Ulqi*
    Hm? I'm fine.
    *gets up*
    Aww, I ripped a hole in my pants.
    *sees knee*

    ...You didn't know?

    Ehh, it's just a scrape. The rain makes it hurt more, though.
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