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  • Oh my God. I just did the same thing I got mad at you for doing-forgetting about DQ because I was in a VM RP. I apologize.
    *Bows respectfully*
    He's still asleep.


    I don't wanna...

    (mystery person)
    Ohonhon~ L'Angleterre~ Where did you get these pretty madmoiselles?
    Guten morgen, Ulqi.

    Hey, where's Ita-chan?

    ((No Google Translate! I actually know some German~!))
    *pats Ulqi on back*
    It was just a dream~! Don't worry! Also, I'll smack France for you!

    I'd rather you punch him in the face.

    Will do, luv~!
    No, that's Spain. The pedo guy. France and Prussia just want to do it with people.

    There's a reason they're called the Bad Touch Trio.

    But France will do it with ANYONE, and Prussia is only like that when he's drunk.
    If you hang around him enough, you'll see. Freaking five meters...

    Just be glad that you're not under the age of 13 and owned by Spain. That guy has been creepy as long as I've known him.
    I can see Prussia doing that.

    You dreamed about Prussia? That guy's almost as bad as France...

    He's just as bad as France. You're just not going to say it because you hate France.

    France bloody made me learn French.

    ...Good point.
    I'm a dragon. I get hungry.

    Frosty, if you're going to be my girlfriend, you need to get a job.
    *looks at Ulqi*
    Oh. Good morning.

    *runs in, luckily with clothes on*

    Yep. Nothing.

    ...I need to have some very choice words with Sealand.

    I can give him a bad burn on his finger or something. :3

    I-I'll go cook breakfast...
    *changes into jeans and blue t-shirt with union jack bracelet*


    I-if you let me go, I'll cook you bacon...

    Nah... You can't really cook bacon... That's an American thing...
    *pulls England back onto bed*

    *hits her on the head*

    *wakes up*
    Hey look, my knee's better.
    *lets go of England*
    ((Especially compared to the day before it.))

    *wakes up*
    *sees he and Frostagin snuggled together subconsiously*
    Frost... Wake up...

    *turns over*
    I don't wanna...

    Hm. Fine.
    *gets out of bed*

    *is half asleep*
    *hugs England*
    *is already asleep*

    I... I still don't understand... Why do I feel this way... Ach...
    *falls asleep*
    *slips into bed*

    Mm... good night.
    *curls up*

    Good night...
    *falls asleep*
    *changes into pajamas*

    *changes into pajamas, which are apparently a pair of pants with the union jack on them*

    *slips into bed*
    *looks away*
    Italy... Let's go to bed.

    Ve~ Okay~!
    *skips off to guest room*

    *follows Italy*

    C'mon, England~ Let's go~

    *forgot he was sleeping with Frostagin*
    *looks at Ulqi*

    Here we are~!
    *gives Ulqi needle and black thread*
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