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  • (England)
    The Doctor usually takes care of it.

    England! Stop scaring Ulqi! We won't run into anything! It's just a concert!
    Lolz. Oh, inside of the TARDIS, which is what everyone's in right now, looks like this.
    (The Doctor)
    She's a beaut, isn't she?

    She regenerated since the last time I was in here...

    TO BUDOKAN '66! :D
    *jumps at console*

    Frost, you have no idea how to drive the TARDIS! I have no idea how to drive the TARDIS!

    *has stepped in by now*

    (The Doctor)
    It stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. To put it shortly, it's a time machine!

    It also travels through space. And is an alien magnet.
    THAT'S ALRIGHT I'VE GOT IT COVERED :D The Doctor looks like this, by the way. He's the last guy in the picture, the one with the red bowtie.

    I'm The Doctor! We're going to a Beatles concert, I've got a time machine!

    Yay! *jumps in police box*

    ...Alright. No alien attacks allowed, right?

    It'll be fine! I'm here!

    That's what's making me worried...
    *steps in*

    *steps in*
    Woow! Germany, it's bigger on the inside!

    Ulqi? Are you coming?
    *police box appears*


    *is finally awake*

    *pops out*
    Oy, England! Let's go somewhere!

    Does it involve Daleks?



    (The Doctor)
    Well, yes.

    Take us to meet The Beatles! Take us to the Budokan concert!
    Anudder plot twist! That involves crossovers! Daa naa NAAAAAA!

    We could... Well, I have no idea actually.

    We could go to a rock concert.


    I'll look it up.
    *pulls out iPhone*
    Um... looks like there's a Rolling Stones concert tonight...

    *whirr whirr*

    What the bloody hell?! CAN'T I HAVE SOME PEACE FOR ONCE?!
    Well, actually, not much.

    ... Give us a tour of Torchwood!!

    What?! I can't do that! Captain Jack'll... er, it doesn't exist!

    You just proved yourself wrong. >:3

    But... Ah... No one's supposed to bloody know! It was a bloody cover!

    ... I dunno. What do you want to do, Ulqi-chan?

    Well. That sure was strange.
    Something's wrong with Ulqi. I don't want to intrude into her mind, or make her say something she doesn't want to, but I'll see if I can catch her alone later.

    Nah, I misspelled it. Obvious FRUK fodder though. XD

    *goes home*

    Well, now that he's gone...
    *attempts to beat France up*

    Frenchie, why don't you just leave?

    Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!

    *stops fighting*
    *stares at France*

    *falls over laughing*
    Pfft! France quoted Monty Python?! Hahaha! XD
    ...Ever heard of the Hundred Years' War? Or the Norman Invasion?


    You're a pussy. Anyway, these two are always at it. They hate each other.

    They're always fighting over which one is more... innapropriate.


    Non, it is you, Angleterre. You just hide it.
    ...It's France. What were you expecting, an America clone?

    ...Why are you here anyway, Frenchie?

    I wanted to mess up Angleterre's plans for the day.

    Oui, madmoiselle.

    Her name is Ulqi, you twat.

    ((Frost is starting to sound like England already... Creepy...))
    Pssh... Peculiar is kind of an understatement.

    Well, at least Frenchy is getting one thing right. I do kick arse.
    *looks at Ulqi*
    Er, to clear up, Angleterre is French for England.

    Why did you tell her that? It's obvious!

    Not everyone in the world speaks French, as you seem to think.
    Oh, but madmoiselle--

    *slaps France*
    Shut up.

    Why did Angleterre have to get a girlfriend that kicks ass..?
    So aside from my BS post against writer's block in Masque, I have found Connor and Celest another song. :D Well, technically, I knew about it since this time last year, but forgot when it got lost in the massive playlists and such. Twas a fun Talent Show, that year. Too bad Connor can't sing like that.
    *steps into light*
    Ohonhon, but why are you pretty madmoiselles staying with Angleterre? Come and stay with me for a while, oui?

    *punches France in the face*

    Oww! Who told you to do that?

    My boyfriend did.

    But that would mean... Non! Madmoiselle, you are making a huge mistake!

    I know what I'm doing. And the name's Frostagin, Frenchie.
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