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  • I'm going with pure canon here, so. I assume that Germany got a spaceship until the Germans found a good planet.

    I don't know everything.

    No, he doesn't. I'm actually older than him. I'm around 2000, while he's only 900.

    Nine hundred and six.
    To tell the truth, I'm not sure.
    I really don't know.

    Why am I such an idiot...?

    Shh... It's alright. I still love you, Iggy-kun.
    Um... I think we're in the future. Or something.


    *is revived*
    Sealand gets his own... planet? And what do I get?

    A spaceship that's run on a star whale because you wouldn't accept help from America.


    Aww... It's okay.
    *pats England on the head*
    *steps out*
    It's just Japan, 196...
    *sees planet*

    *looks over Frost's shoulder*
    Doctor! Where the bloody hell are we?!

    *looks out*
    Um... Looks like Sealand.

    This doesn't look like bloody Sealand at all!

    No, Sealand the planet. In around the year 4000.

    Sealand... the planet?!!

    And here we are!

    Heeeeeey, I know you! Weren't you in Venice once?

    Yes, once or twice.
    I really don't think that aliens are going to show up at Budokan.

    *opens mouth to say something*

    *covers England's mouth*
    And if they do, we're more than capable of handling it. Right, Doctor?



    Yes, I believe so.
    Yeah, I didn't know it existed until I saw one of your posts in the silence game.

    *coughScrewtherules, Ihavemoneycough*
    Yeah, you should see what I have planned for Annie/Logan on their little date. Maybe not as wonderful as rain with blood pouring out the wounds on the two lovers, but it is great~ Annie being Annie, I don't think she'll ever be at the loss for words that Celest or Connor are. :3
    :D Hiiiiii~ So Yoshi is getting a little impatient, and I told him I'd be the messenger for him. Basically, he wants the intro posts from you and the other two extras in the Soul Guard. I think his first post was a little hard to respond to, but I think once we get moving, he'll get things rolling better.

    Also, is Masque dying? I might go pout for a few hours if it is. I mean, this relationship stuff is fun, but I think we need to engage in some serious ass-kicking. Or at least kick-ass fights in which our asses get kicked, then our men come to our rescue. Or something. I'm just bored lately.
    *rubs face against table*
    I have got to find a way to bring Tarble into Game soon....So. Anyway.

    What do you want to do for the next saga in DQ?
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