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  • {Frost isn't really changing either. Hurrah~!}

    Well, that blew two and a half hours. It's Monty Python time.

    I love sarcastic butlers. Always so proper, and then they flip you off when you turn your back.

    Crotchkiss: No disrespect inteded, good sir, but *flips off* kiss my crotch.
    Kudos to Kuchiki (Ohmygod, that's like a nursery rhyme), I suppose.

    Crothkiss. :3 I might actually have to do that, now. It was going to be a giddy little girl who shouldn't even be old enough to drive, or something like that, but this is too funny.
    *pulls out England's iPhone*
    *goes on Netflix*
    *puts in earbuds*
    *watches Eureka*
    What's gotten into her?

    She's just tired.
    *walks to bed*

    If you say so. Iggy, I'm going to stay up for a while.

    Alright. Don't fall asleep on the couch.
    *goes to bed*

    *skips to bed*

    Something's up with Ulqi and I intend to find out what it is. She's my best friend, I can't let her down.
    *transforms back into human*
    *falls over*


    Note to self: never transform directly after flying.

    *blushes slightly*

    God, Doctor... Looks like he got his trajectory slightly off. The house is right over there.
    *lands next to Germany and Ulqi as softly as she can*
    *lets England and Italy off*

    Helle schließe!
    It's her job... I can tell... I won't mention it...
    If you say so.

    Ve~ Hey you guys~

    We should find everyone else.
    *transforms into dragon something like this except with fur on its neck*
    Come on everyone, get on my back.

    *is slightly scared*
    *climbs on*


    *laughs, but it sounds slightly like a growl*
    It's just me, Ita-chan.

    *climbs on*

    Hold on tight.
    *flies up, searching for Germany and Ulqi*

    *looks around for Italy, Frost, and England*
    *sees that they're not here*
    *looks at Ulqi*
    Ulqi, are you alright? Something seems wrong...

    ~Meanwhile, somewhere else~

    Frost, can you get off me please?

    ~Meanwhile again~
    Ve~? Where is everybody?
    No worries! I'm taking you back to five minutes after you left!

    *parks TARDIS*
    Off you go~!

    *jumps out*

    *is knocked out by Frostagin*

    *skips out*

    *is about to go out*
    Alright! Everyone back in! Except for you, Sealand. I'm afraid you have to stay here.

    (Older Sealand)
    *has left*

    *jumps in*

    *walks back in*

    is still in TARDIS*
    Lol. I bet Canada's is tiny compared to America's, just cause no one remembers him.

    (England and Doctor)
    You get used to it.

    Haha jinx.

    Why don't we just go home?
    :D I wonder how big Russia's spaceships is. I bet it's a good Star Destroyer or two. At least.

    Hmph. I thought you would grow out of that.

    Sealand... called me a jerk?!
    But that means...
    *is jumping to conclusions*

    (Older Sealand)
    Wait, you don't... Oh. Right. Time traveling time lord guy.
    I wonder if Prussia got his own spaceship...


    ...Who the...
    It's Jerk England and Jerk Frostagin! And those other guys too!

    Sea... Sealand...
    *faints again*

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