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  • (Frostagin)
    Want me to fix it? With magic?

    No, you've exhausted yourself enough already.

    But I want to help Ulqi-chan!

    No. No more magic until you're rested up.


    Do you need some thread and a needle? I might be able to find some...
    I haven't named all of them yet. Although, some are obvious, like the Marik Saga. If I have to explain what part that is, you need to go take a nap.
    Yesh. There will be some creepy shit coming up.
    Tee hee. :D You're so cute. Like a little cartoon characther.
    Tarble's cute. End of disscussion.

    And, in DQ news, I've started naming sagas. As of my last post, The Grand Tour saga has ended, leading into the Shadowbeast saga. Hold on tight. This is gonna be creepy.

    We have a table?! Hi, table! *Rubs her face against a random table*
    How I wish you were Tarble...
    *feels Frostagin*
    She'll be fine. You can die from it, but dragons have a lot of power. She's really only asleep because she was already a little tired from her wound. She'll be up before too long.

    *wakes up*
    Hmm? Did it work?

    Yes, we're fine.

    Cool. Hm? What's this?
    *pulls out bottle of rum*
    It happens if you cast a spell that's too strong. She'll be alright. It's because... Ah, how do I explain this?
    *thinks for a moment*
    Well, for example, If I casted the spell for fire, it would take as much energy to create it as it would if I had created the fire by other means. And that was a pretty big storm, even for a dragon.

    Don't bother casting it, I've tried it before.

    I'm a dragon, you idiot. I should be able to cast it.
    Alright. Let's see.
    Brakka du thringa!
    *rain stops*
    Oh Bid'daum... I'm exhausted...
    *falls asleep*

    I tried to warn her...
    I feel so bad for Ulqi... I wish she didn't have to leave... I want her to come and live with me... Hm? What am I thinking?! I can't just...! Ach, but... Ulqi, she's... Shliebe, I don't know.

    Hey, what's this?
    *picks up book*
    Useful Magic Spells, Volume Two...
    *opens to random page*
    "How to get rid of storms.." Hey, this book's in the Ancient Language!

    *Confused look*

    It's the language that dragons speak, and also certain varieties of elves... It's also the language of magic, and you can't lie in it. It's imbued with magic.
    *looks at England*

    It's the language of magic, why do you think I have it?

    Ah. I see.

    ((I'm being lazy and using the language from the Inheritance Cycle. Whee laziness~))
    ,...And my excuse is, I was making a banner for a friend on another site. :p
    Please respond...
    Ulqi... Thank you. Atra esternì ono thelduìn.
    That is, may the stars watch over you.
    I... I was afraid you wouldn't be my friend, and that you would think I was weird...
    *looks at England*
    Iggy-san, I'm sorry if I went... a little too fast for you. I'm just... still not used to human ways yet...

    I-it's alright...
    I'm not human. I'm a dragon. That is... Crap, I don't think there's enough space in here to show everyone... I'm not sure I can explain better... Bid'Daum, why is English such a complicated language...
    *Follows Ulqi*

    Sounds like it's getting worse...


    Calm down, luv.

    *deep breath*
    Guys, in case we have to fight whatever the hell that is, I want to tell you all something...
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