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  • *so much hugging*
    asdfjkl ALSO my opinions on Iggy have changed a lot since we started the RP and I just don't want him with Frost anymore but I don't want them to break up and I just can't
    ALL IS FORGIVEN. I only really get irritated when someone hurts someone I'm close to, I don't really get mad over things like this. It happens to the best of us. *gives hugs*

    The one thing I am irritated with at the moment is the fact that the second season of Sherlock was finally put on Netflix and I've been trying to watch it but apparently my internet doesn't want me to because it keeps crashing.
    Not like it matters too much though, I'm just ranting here because Tumblr is down for maintenance today. Bah.

    I'll post this in my thread later, but for now, here's something I thought YOU might like. :3c

    Incredible. I shall have to do something for this day. *Dramatic take-pencil-out-of-pocket sequence*

    EDIT: Happy Birthday, mah dear Ulqi! :3c

    Dat boy, even in a crisis like that, still finding time for the little things.
    Oh yeah, I am, that's right! *vaccums candy with beast lungs*

    I have, like, three chapters of my fic, but I just am like, "Aaaaah first chapter, you need to be more exciting." Actually, the whole thing is kind of dry and bloodless. Stories about Mages have more of a tendency to be that way, methinks.

    MOAR HETALIA. I need to jump back into that series. I watching World Series and was on 20 something.
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