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  • Maybe, but my Middle School had the same schedule as my high school. Except in Middle School I had a class between 3rd and 4th hour on every day but C days called "Advisement" where we supposed to work on homework or do whatever, but usually I just doodled. It was basically a Homeroom.
    Eh... Kinda'. I have no homeroom, so that's different. I have eight classes, taking half on A days and half on B days. The week goes ABABC, with C days having all eight classes. Some people have a ninth class in "Zero Hour" which is in the first forty minutes before school starts, but those are all reallyreally hard science classes.

    So I don't know how similar that is to what you have going, because my eight classes are just... Eight classes. No particular distinction or blocks set aside. I might maybe be still confused just a leetle beet.
    Oh no, I can't seem to help but think of Hetalia when I hear this song. I mean, it fits, but it doesn't. I'm still in WWII, though, so... That might be why.
    Mine ends in June. Usually around the fifth or the week of the fifth.

    Another question, how many classes a day do you have?
    Yeah? Well I don't even start till the 23rd, which is a THURSDAY, but I think there's some reasoning behind it... Somwhere.
    Rather sleepy, actually. And procrastinating summer homework. Otherwise I'm FAN-TUCKING-FASTIC. :D
    Maybe someday I'll rewatch the first one and see what I can understand then. Until that day, just keep going.

    I laugh at it, though. So it is good. Very good indeed...
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