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    Well, maybe it'll be done around the same time. Depends on if I hear back from Munchkin on the whole dragon thingy before I get going on yours.
    ... DIGITAL IT IS, THEN. But I'm already partially done with one on paper, and if I may say so, 'tis quite adorable. It's a blank head with one shoulder, empty eyes, and no hair. But the smile is good.

    Tell me more.

    Oh, and would you like youre request sketchy, colored, shaded, digital, what have you? I WANT AN ANSWER YOUNG LADY-please.
    SO SMURRRT ULQUEH. YOU SO SMURT. And now I quote something related to time-travel.

    "You good strong woman. YOU BE CAVE-BATMAN'S MATE."
    ADAGA-ULQI. They collect all the spare paper with the tests, though. ;_; Because apparently it's possible to cheat on open-note tests. AND I DON'T DARE DOODLE ON ACT. 'Tis a suicide mission.
    Lucky you. I get two district tests per class per semester. The way the district forces teachers to weigh the test, our science district assessments add up to 40% of our grade. District wanted it to be 80% originally (This sounds too ridiculous to be true, but it is), but teachers talked them down. Math and English are 20% of our grade.

    Then there's State-wide testing. And either the Pre-ACT or the ACT itself. Plus the tests we take three times each year to "moniter our academic progress." And any tests that individual teachers give out. X_X
    My school's nice, too, but the district suuuuuucks. So much testing.

    But, yeah people are usually pretty awesome. There's always that one dickhead, but he's easy to deal with. Or I guess it could be a she, but usually a he.
    It is a little more rushed between classes, because High Schools are generally bigger than Middle Schools, but it's all possible. My whole town is small, so the High School only has two floors, and the second floor is only one hallway. :3 So it's actually pretty lax for me (because small towns rule).
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