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  • .... Your son?...

    Well, you should watch it if you can. It is HIIILarious. Only 51 episodes, so pretty short. Death the Kid is pretty awesome.


    ... Have you seen Soul Eater?
    You're not failing anyone, I'm just giving you a hard time. =p Winter's not as cool as Ulqi-Chan, that's all.
    ಠ_ಠ ..... I do not understand. What meaning is there in Winter? You disappoint me. *Lightsaber* I have no choice.

    *Snaps out of it* Mmmwhatwhatnow? Avatar? Surely you are joking? OF COURSE IT CAN BE DONE.
    » Subscribed to your thread.
    also if you don't mind I'm gonna put that fic request on hold because of two reasons.
    1. I'm on a trip right now and I still need to study up on Chinese, Russian, and Austrian history(or at least some of it if I can)
    and 2. I just really feel like that I should quickly write that thing that I said that I had in mind.
    I don't even know you anymore. You changed your name, your face is a giant no avatar question mark, I haven't heard a single YGOTAS reference from you in months, and you don't use puntualization.


    Ulqi! Noooo! Don't do it! Come back to the light! Possibly the dark side, it's hard to tell sometimes.


    It's a super-special-awesome girl you may know!

    Also, I'm totally going to use that Recoome tumble thing.

    After I take a shower, brb, afk, lol, pb and j, asdf
    Hardly. Very little is clear other than Germany got a stick stuck up his butt, and now he's so pissy that if he ever gets it out, he'll just use it to beat people.

    BUT YOSHI LIEKS LIKE MUDKIPZ. And now I must go eat food, and work on requests, otherwise I will never get them done.
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