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  • ... I did that once, too. Tried to draw a picture of the two of them sitting on a roof in the City contemplating finally leaving, having thoughtful/sad looks on their faces as the reality of it hits them. I was like NOOOO. MUST. AVOID. DRAWING. INTERLOCKED. HANDS. AND. GAZING. AT. EACH OTHER. AND. BLUSHIES!!!
    Well, it's a hilarious show. They make a dubstep remix song to play at a benefit for dogs with epilepsy. And they kill all the dogs with the light show involved... It's a lot funnier in the show than when I say it like that.
    Forgot to mention, Kanzan, being a very wanted man, probably would not be at the rally himself. Just an enthusiast of his.
    Whatever works for you. Probably the thread would be easier. The rally will be at City Hall, methinks, or if could be near the Arena, if you like. Your choice.

    BTW, random, but have you seen this show before?

    I think what we should do is tell everyone to have an excuse to either be at the rally or in the immediate vicinity. You know, like one person could be in the crowd because they want to raise hell for Kanzan and plan to disrupt the whole thing, the three baddies obviously as guards there, and you, me, and Kaskae's brothers are nearby getting some taffy or something. In the chaos, THERE IS A KIDNAPPING.
    I knooooow, right? It's a mod, and I'm always scared to RP with mods because I'm like "if I fuck up now, I'm done." Which is irrational and stupid, BUT I CAN'T HELP IT.
    Speaking of, how will we start? Rather than just an "YOU HAVE BEEN ASSEMBLED, GO FORTH AND BRING JUSTICE" I think this should be, like, and accidental team thing. There's a big rally going on, one of the characters speaks up against the cause, and hell breaks loose, everyone gets accidentally dragged in (I think Paka will get kidnapped! :D) and everyone's lost something and is like, "HELL NO, THEY'RE GOING DOWN" and the three on the other side are like "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, KANZAN LET US CHASE THEM DOWN" and he'll be like, "IF IT PLEASES YOU." And they're like, "THEY SHALL DIE A PAINFUL DEATH."

    BUT WHY NO MORE PEEPS BE SIGNING UP? Actually, with three on one side, and I believe four as of now assumed on the other (you, me and two others), that's pretty good.
    Kaskae: :3 Look at you. All angry and independent. Remember Lee, from my team? He told me once that he thought you were sexy when you're like this. Well, since I guess you're so confident, I'm just going to go buy some sweets. Give 'em to my brothers, because I think I'm staying. They'll be sorry to hear you left. Might be a bit pissed whenever, or if you come back

    So. Good luck without me, have fun in the cold, which doesn't help your training at all, by the way. High Altitude does. The poles are at sea level. But what do I know? *Starts walking off*
    ((Wanted his face to be my avvy, but couldn't find a picture of it. Such a shame.))

    Kaskae: I said I'd only help you if you did this with me. I never said I needed you. Whereas you admitted you'd get into too much trouble without me.

    And the Northern Water tribe? You're kidding? That's what you're doing? Training? Your regiment wouldn't be much different from how it is now, just harder to stay warm. Believe me, that's how it was in the South Pole. It sucked. And I doubt North is much different.

    Here's what I think. You don't have a clue what you're doing. Steal a boat to the Northern Water Tribe? Those are Cargo Ships. Or Cruise Ships. Either way, you'll have a hell of a time getting away. And stowing away isn't your style.
    ((It was, huh? But it was also horrible. I was like 'this is so terrible BUT HIS FACE OMFG XD))

    Kaskae: You're the one who needs me. You said so yourself. It's why you're doing anything at all right now. If you don't mind my changing the subject, what is the plan after we're done with your little plot here? The plan for getting out? A Lizard Dog is good, but I might not be able to get one. My Probending team wasn't happy with me, and I'm not sure their families will like seeing me, either. Especially Asari's family.
    ((BTW, Bolin is my favorite. But I couldn't help but laugh when his heart was broken.))

    Kaskae: I mean not giving me a straight answer. And "follow through?" I'm the one who pulls your ass out of the fire. Your temper is what causes the problems in the first place. I must've repaid your help seven years ago at least a hundred times since.
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