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  • SO ULQI.

    This Underworld. It isn't Japanese, it isn't Spanish, and it certainly isn't German. What is it? I'm thinkin' something with medieval flare to it, although there will be a bit of diversity among our enemies.
    ; ; The Quincy must now regain his honor that was lost with Emilio's life. But where does Lamourna de la Cruz stand, now that she has claimed Emilio's life, along with Nico's Honor? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT EXCITING EPISODE OF: THE DARK RIDERS
    ... I.... What... Is she a fish or a Jester, Ulqi? Tell me. This seems awfully... Fishy. *badumdumtish*

    I would like to inform you that Lamourna is starting to look flippin awesome. However, I do not care much for the lipstick because 1. it is harder to draw the mouth and 2. I feel like it detracts from her child-like charm. It just, you know, looks awesome without the lipstick. So I'm saving a version without the lipstick for me myself and I because I like it better.

    Also I need you to clarify what these... "fins" coming out of her head are. I'm kinda' scared because she just-her hair is awesome right now and I don't wanna mess it up. ; ; Hold on, I'll show you. Just-just two seconds to edit this.

    EDIT: LOOK AT HER! She looks freakin AMAZING. I'm all kinds of happy with this right now. (Thing about the circles on her face, there are four, and I like it, but tell me if I misunderstood. Also, that sword guard is in the shape of a theater mask, and it has a happy face on one side, sad on the other. ALSO, this is turning out so awesome at the moment, that I'm going to add text to the finished one. Something I think she'd say. Not telling you yet, because it's just too awesome to spoil.)
    8O WOOOOW-... Holy tinkle bells, that's a lot longer than I was thinking.

    OH SHWELL, I LIKE IT. Mine feels short now. ; ;
    ; ; Tis impossible m'dear Ulqi. So what I'm going to do is try again because I am soooo smurt.

    Also I don't remember, glove or no glove?

    *le gasp* My page has had 9,952 Visits. I am almost to 10,000. Truly, wonderous.

    ... PFFFFF, you've had 28,415. Like, I DON'T EVEN CARE. YOU KNOW.
    I learned of my inability to draw crossbows. Especially glowing death crossbows. ; ;


    MMMMMnope, actually, that's it.
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