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Vipera Magnifica
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  • That's what I believe, too. It really helps when I'm learning certain stuff.

    I can't imagine anyone being in a pool from late October to early February. I just can't stand cold pools!
    Really? The 20s? Wow, that'll be cold, especially Florida. Actually, I quite like the cold weather, but it's a pain in P.E. where we have to wear shorts and short-sleeved shirts.

    Hmm, I see how it would make you appreciate your mom more. After thinking about it, our parents went out of their way just to buy us gifts and make us happy, which is sweet.

    Oh, I see. I like writing a lot, and I'm doing quite well in Language Arts. Actually, last year on the FCAT I had the highest score out of all the people who were moving from my grade to the next grade. Whoo.

    Gah math. I'm horrible at it. I'm actually starting to find it quite nice, but it's just the stupid times tables that I need to learn. And I absolutely love science~ Especially forensic science, which I'm currently taking now.

    ALSO!The Periodic Table of Elements is win y/n
    I say yes.
    He turned nine this year. He's still an avid believer of Santa, so like I said, getting gifts is a hassle. He still believes in a lot of things, actually. While we're on the subject of believing in Santa and such, when did you stop believing in Santa? My mom told me this year that he didn't exist. Blarghh I believed in him for so long. I was sorta sad when my mom told me.

    Oh no, I haven't. I'm good at RPs and I find them very fun, it's just that I sadly have any time to be an active RPer. I might start RPing during the summer, though.
    Well, there's nothing that's really special on my list, but I'm hoping to get all the Michael Jackson stuff I asked for, like the new MJ games, all the albums I don't have from him, and the clothes he wore in his Home Videos - a red long sleeved shirt with black pants and a black fedora.. We've shopped for a few things, but mainly for my little brother. It's a pain, because he wants so many things and thinks that Santa will give him everything. Arghh.
    That's great!

    Yup! We got the tree a while ago, and it was a real tree, too! We're about to start decorating, too, but that's after we find the lights to put on the tree.
    Zangviper! Hi! We haven't talked in forever. I'm doing great, thanks for asking! How about yourself? Getting ready for Christmas? :D
    eh... that's a very hard choice.

    tied for favorite would probably be 20 Dollar Nosebleed, This is Take Over, The Break's Over, What a Catch, Donnie, I Write Sins Not Tragedies, I've Got All This Ringing in My Ears and None on My Fingers, or Dance, Dance.

    I have hundreds more, because my favorite songs change constantly, usually in relation to my mood. but those are my all-time favorites
    you're probably right. I'm only looking for Infinity on High and Believers Never Die, and then my collection will be complete. I also enjoy Panic! at the Disco. (mainly because they got their start from Fall Out Boy. And one of their songs mentions cigaretttes laced with nitroglycerin. Awesome.)
    Not sure what song, though it's probably by Breaking Benjamin.

    Do you have Folie a Duex? that's the only place besides youtube you would hear that.
    (Cool thing about 20 dollar nosebleed- there are two lead singers: Patrick Stump from Fall Out Boy, and Brendon Urie from Panic! at the Disco)
    Ah, nothing much. (You do get the refference to a certain song, correct?)

    By the way, you do know that September's over, right?
    Oh, yeah. I forgot to ask you; have you had heavy rain in your area of Florida? Over here, it's like a pool. It's getting sort of annoying.
    Yes it is! I enjoy the part near the end where they mix up previous songs. and this part:

    They say the captian goes down with the ship
    So when the world ends, will God go down with it?

    Yeah... It's a good song.
    Hello Zangviper. :p Long time no talk, eh? How're you doing in your new house in which you've had for a while? :D
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