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  • So far I've caught a whole bunch of Arapiamas and sharks, and some snappers on the side.
    Lucky, you at least got friends who play it, no one plays it at my school, of course THEY play barbies ultimate horse race of course! ^^
    Yeah I know, but whats the point, actually, my parents don't know about me going on tcoD, but try to keep it down, its fun here, plus its the ONLY place I can talk to people about Pokemon, since anyone there who likes things like that, are shunned and named as nerds, not to mention the fact that even your own friends would shun you, so I keep it quiet......
    Eh Heh, you don't think I've tried?! You see, What I do all day is sit and play animal crossing, and then thinking of all the wi fi abilitys, it drives me mad, so yeah, theres no way I can get wireless connections, heres some proof
    "Hey mom, can I get wi fi?"
    No, theres predators out there that use that to get other kids to "meet" up with them!"
    What if I don't meet up with anyone?"
    "Why do you want wi fi anyways?"
    ".........."[no good enough excuse besides" Cause I want to try it out"]
    "Can I plaese just get wi fi, without meeting up with anyone?"
    No, not until I hear you give me a good reason!"
    [Uses excuse above]
    Thats not good enough!"

    Yeah I know, I think shes over protective....*sigh* for once I'd like to not be treated like a 2 year old, just once...
    Oooh. I'm remodling my Island, you see I have a house thats located on this island of some sorts, you see, the river runs around this Island and into the sea, so its kinda great so far I created an orchard and a pretty nice beach with paalm trees, but I can't get nookingtons.
    Hmm? Oh do you mean the whole mathematics? Oh well..... so what have you been doing so far in YOUR animal crossing?
    Eh, but Iv'e not been able to get the highest amount you can get with fishing and selling, and I did all the mathematics in my head! Ok, the highest amount you can get from fishing is 225.000 bells, that means you have to get nothing but sharks or coalacanths or a mixed of moth, since both are 15.000 so, 15.000 times 5 equals 75000 bells, 5 stands for one row of your bag, now, each row is 75, there are 3 rows, so 75 times 3 equals 225.000 so thats the highest, but the highest you can get in the game is.....if you have an inventory full of royal thrones, so 200.000 each times 5 is 1000.000 quite a lot, so 3 times that is 3000.000 bells, so you could earn all that..in about a year or two!
    Hey hey hey hey hey! I just caught a whole bunch of barred knifejars and a couple of sharks! You wont believe how much money I got!
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