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  • Wow, its pretty close times, mine is 9:20 here.. pm of course, but cool, seems like summer vacation isn't as fun as I thought, oh and a wonderful thing happened to me at the end of my school year, I got pink eye! Yaaaaay!......no, it wasn't fun, and one of my teachers didn't believe I had pink eye, and so sitting out in a field of pollen didn't help either, with no help of water or ice. Oh and also? When a girl laughed so hard, she got a bloody nose? She got sent to the nurse right away of course, me, I stayed there and scratched my eye all the time.
    Yeah, but you havent seen him when hes in the game, he acts and looks really like a monkey, then he promptly tackles you and kills you.. so yeah.
    Frankly, I'm annoyed about the spamming going on over at DR's thread, broken about the fact that my girlfriend has left me, and seriously worried that all my posts in DR's thread are going to seriously piss someone off.

    Other that that, I'm fine, as usuall.
    .........Well, do you know the game "Kingdom Hearts"? If not, than nevermind, its some character in that game but yeah. Oh, read my message under my name, yes, the characters name is that.
    Rats, you know what other game they should make? A pokemon Game that has the same role playing type as the Portable systems, you know with the Gym leaders, with a wii or a gamecube. You know, take the Pearl version game play and put it on for like the Wii?
    Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... maybe Super smash bros Mayhem? Super Smash bros Beat........man those sound so bad, ummm, I don't know, any I deas?
    Yeah, yu know, and the Ds is pretty much a smaller version of the Gamecube controller, you see youve got the x and y keys also, you even have the l and r keys to pick up and throw people, an since the DS has more capabilitys than a GC, it would open up the possibility for more stages and Characters!
    Nothing much, I'm burnt out.. sooo what do you think of Nintendo creating a Super Smash Bros for the DS system?
    DP FC if you has?

    Cool, camping is cool :D I hope there is internet there then <.<
    You has a friend code? Me has too a friend code!

    So are you going on holiday somewhere this summer? I'm not, we have this dog we got 2 months to care for. He's really cute...
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