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  • Eh...just look at it yourself at youtube, enter Kingdom Hearts The messed up files 8, then you'll see it.
    Heh, well theres this funny thing I found on youtube, it shows Kingdom Hearts characters and this is what they're saying.
    Teacher: Ok now students, lets do some math, whats 5*2? Come on now don't be shy, yes clyde?
    Clyde: 12 sir!
    Teacher: Ok, nice try, but lets get an answer from a less retarted idiot.
    Girl: Ooh, I think I know!
    Boy: *mimics girl*
    Girl: Shut up fata@$$!
    Boy: Hey, don't call me a Fat@$$, you F***** Jew!
    Teacher: Freddy Jhonsen! Did you just say the f word?
    Freddy: What? Jew?
    Girl: No you cant say f*** in school!
    Teacher: Jessica!
    Boy: Why can't you say F***
    Teacher: Jeremy!
    Freddy: Whats wrong with F***? I'll say it if i WANT TO!
    *Freedy says it many times in this beat[boopity boopty boop!}
    Teacher: Would you like to take a trip to the prinipals office?!
    Freddy: Would you like want to suck my balls?
    Teacher: What was that?!
    Freddy: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I said, Would you like to suck my balls!
    Oh, about 12, yeah.....but you obviosly didnt see this guy, hes a football player, so yeah......oh but as he beat me up I was able to elbow him in the groin hard enough and ran off, usually running is my first option in a fight.
    Oh naaaawww! I only got beat up by the schools largest 6TH Grader cause I was there...nawww! :]
    Eh, well, anyways, I'm considered the "Buddha" of the school, since I was once bald, and I was plump.
    Hey! I just saw the" Post your Voice" Thread...nice voice!...Just don't be asking for any silly Asian accent from me!
    Zephie of the Pichu variety (aka my sister) will join again. PREPARE THE WELCOMING SONG! -^.^-
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