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Zora of Termina

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  • I'm kinda sad now, because most shows i really like are no longer on the air. :x
    Oregon is pretty magical, you never know.

    And i would totally do that too, only their house is creepy as hell.

    Not that this conversation isn't very fun, but i'm absolutely exhausted. Talk to you later.
    That IS a lot of music... thingamajigs. They had a whole closet full of them. We're still not entirely sure what songs are at the back.

    And i'm sure there are, but it cost lots of monies. Plus, the hassle of transporting a piano from the coast to Portland and then finding some place to store it in our house
    I know, right? and we have about 500 player piano... rolls. You know, the things the music is on.

    It's slightly broken though, because you need to jam a pencil in the switch to keep it on "play" and it's in desperate need of some lubrication (har har) because it's ridiculously hard to use the foot pumps to play the music. It's like running a mile.
    yeah, but it would be nice to not have to fiddle with the volume all the time. Also, funny thing is, i actually own a real piano, but it's HORRIBLY out of tune and about 80 miles away in my grandparents house which we inherited.
    mine is defiantly a piano (of the keyboard variety), but we got the cheapo version that doesn't even have key sensitivity so :x it's annoying to have to play on
    neither am i, this is all just repetition, and 90% i learned by ear.
    I can play all the ocarina songs, the overworld theme, the windmill hut song, and midna's desperate hour, all with varying levels of proficiency.

    Also, yeah, i can. Not very well, but if you heard you'd go "that's midna's desperate hour, all right."
    This is one of my favorite remixes

    and this is my favorite boss music. Y'know, on the off chance you care at all.

    Also, one of my proudest achievments is the ability to play midna's desperate hour on piano.
    Is spirit tracks any good? I really didn't like phantom hourglass so i never picked it up :x

    also i'll be pissed if midna isn't in another game
    Pokemon yellow i got about a day later. I still have it, actually, but oracle of ages has long since been lost. ;-;

    What did you think of twilight princess?
    Ah. I was (obviously) guessing Majora's mask, but you never know.

    Mine is probably MM or Oracle of Ages. (Oracle of ages being my first gameboy game ever ;-; )
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