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Zora of Termina

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  • YES

    I've actually drawn Al, Lassie and Cortz already. Hurr hurr Lassie's ears are huge. And Cortz's labcoat is like Batman's cape in Arkham Asylum; some weird material shifting cloth that hardens to make a glider thing.

    ...oh c'mon what little girl didn't wanna be batman :c
    I don't even know anymore, all I know is that this is gonna be the most fun thing ever :D

    Now if only we could get a new cable/pen, then I could draw this stuff. It's better hand-drawn but then I wanna try going over it with computer to make it cleaner but ; ; alas I CANNOT
    Ya rly.

    Lassiter's long-range, but his "Final Smash" involves mowing down people with the Crown Vic so err.

    Cortz is all 'up-in-yo-face' with her gadgets

    And Al's the best of both worlds! 8D
    And like everything else I even have an idea of how it would go.

    See now I'm playing a cop as one of my characters, and as soon as he sees one of dem zombies, he'll be all "D8<" and grab his trusty Glock and pump dat zombie fulla metal. Then be all "*stopmstompstomp* cause he's overkill like that.

    And then comes my idea of doing this weird move-set thing that would look kinda like so to show off what they would probably do and stuff. Hurr hurr really weird artstuff like this i plan to keep in the social group, though :v

    And I can't really do sports stuff anymore. >: Hurr hurr steriotypical nerd, manga and all derp.

    I don't wanna be the Bottom (Wo)Man! D8 I WANNA TOP

    Cause cause for the RP I'm making (pffft I've only planned out one so when I say the RP, I usually mean this one) I was thinking that since the crazy ass events are planned by days (they don't know that, they think random shit happens just because) we should have something that spans for a while.

    And then I thought "Zombie invasion." which is what L4D basically is.

    Of course then I got pimpslapped by common sense.
    But when school and family are like the only things that break your ~stoic~ demeanor, you kinda go shiiiiit even though you're one of the better writers in class, apparently. And got an 88 on the Math Quarterly Assesment which is pretty decent (B+ with a buncha A's is good.)

    She wants whut now? x3 Why 0:

    And as a sidenote have you ever heard of/played Left4Dead?
    D'you ever sometimes zone out, then snap back and remember somehing crucial you've forgotten?

    Cause I just remembered I wanted to study for the upcoming exams. Which are soon. And will apparently decide what high school I get into

    Em...nothing. I mean... noep, nuting...

    Talking drunk means I'm a plagairist. Self is bad. *Headdesks*
    Yah...ya must 'ave... cuz people arr misspeleeng theengs ond beeor salez wetn utp loytely... yaz thay hove...
    *Attempts to walk*...*Drinks moar*... yah... I...I liek teh...t'Mudkippp-pp-z.... thay ahr so... Mudkippy...*Falls oves backwards* whoopsie....ouw...
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