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Zora of Termina

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    ohhh I thought by "personas" Dwagie meant your Fakemon. In that case I'll go take it now x3
    I think I read something about Twiggy's first language being german somewhere
    my god
    do you think he's hans von hozel

    Sure I will :D
    I think provided it doesn't go to e-reffing you'll be safe.
    At least let's hope so. I don't want to see Cyndra become the demons ;^;
    ...you're having ANOTHER bar fight with Dwagie? xD
    Agh I so want to ref that but I'm somewhat swamped atm. It'd be great to have two raving drunks under the scrutiny of an irked, teetotal ref :p
    With incredibly compromising back legs.

    ...why did we come up with some bear called Sedgwick again?
    You know you want Pokémon like that.

    Ok c: I'll go buy the Teddiursa once someone else posts in the PRO, to avoid double-posting naughtiness.
    but more ugly and fat

    I post offering you the Teddiursa, you post claiming it and go get it approved at the PRO.

    ...OMIGOD THAT'S A LEG O/////O
    sfw version added what the hell
    Is everybody on TCoD just making themselves into Fakemon? xP

    Sure. It's preferred you don't overdo it, I think, but I could jut go to the Black Market all "hey Zora want this Teddiursa for $0". Lots of people do it.
    Seriously I don't think I've ever typed a sentence I remember all the words to.

    I'm no species approver, but it looks great to me~ Maybe I should scrap the Dragomelet line and make a foxhog Pokémon. Then we could, like, have an epic fox-fakemon-that-are-based-off-people-on-TCoD battle :0

    I should ;~;
    I could always get you one now to make up for it.
    No, they totally aren't just portmanteaus of "kitten Zora" and "Zora kitsune" or anything. :3
    (I had to use Google to remember the word portmanteau. I hate presque vu.)
    There also need to be less fictional things I need to hug. Good thing all my fakemons are "BIG BURLY PIRATE ARRR" or "BIG ROCKY DRAGON RAWRRR" or "BIG GLOB OF SLIME THAT LIVES IN A TRASH CAN EWWW". (the last one never got submitted.)

    I was going to give you such a Pokémon via the Christmas gift exchange. Sadly, I only thought to do so in January OTL
    ...what did you have to go and make such an adorable fakemon for i need to stop having stuff i need to buy D:
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