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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Zora of Termina

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    That would explain why it keeps coming back. They are too lazy to ensure that it will never again show up.
    Don't worry, I'm pretty much undergoing the same anxiety. Things offline have gotten me all upset and then when I came here and sa this dilemma I went off because I already was in a bad mood. I want you to stay so don't feel like I'm trying to make you feel bad but there are things I'd like to stay as they were.

    Yes, it isn't as big an outburst as TES actions but why should she be allowed when everyone else did as they were told and got approval? I was willing to let it stay if she simply sent me some form of message about the event but then she started telling me how to run the place.
    Zora, I was only upset with you when I saw this...

    ((Dwagie has said everything I wanted to say. She isn't speaking for all of you, she's speaking for us major players who have been here a long time and are fed up including myself, as well as herself and Kusa. That's what she told me, anyway. >>))

    What do you have to say to me? In your own words, your own problems. What the hell is wrong with me that you can't say you don't like the rules till someone else does? Why are you trying to be nice after suddenly stabbing me like this? Yes, I love help but what you did to me when you said that and when Dwagie repeatedly said she was speaking for other RPers hurt me most. Make up your mind, tell me the truth, and don't rely on others to say things first because when I found out you were hiding behind Dwagie's opinion till she said it I felt like you just spit on me because you didn't trust me hearing it from you.

    ~KQ ^^...O_O...>.<...T_T
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