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Zora of Termina

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  • *shrug* I think so . . . you just have to stick with it's personality, in your case very Ohayou-like. (I think they're twins)
    Found it at the end of page 1. Here's the whole thing:
    Meanwhile, a small, Kecleon-esque figure began to wake up. It stretched its arms and yawned deeply. It was the Pokemon of the Forest. Its grey-green skin allowed it to blend into the area perfectly. The short tail swished as it stretched back, arching its back. Like Lakinay and Sinferno, it had a long head with a pointed tip. Unlike its two siblings, however, it had two small horns. The claws looked like if they were shovels, with the feet's claws each looking like a small spade, and the hands looking like trowels. Spikes jutted out from the back in a straight line. It dug a small hole, turning the soil it dug up into gold, which it then used to build a wall.

    The small creature, roughly three feet tall, then hid behind the wall and looked out over it. It saw one of the giant Pidgey, and pretended that it was using Stone Edge... Until it accidentally spawned a real stone out of mid air, hurled it, and beheaded the Pidgey with the single, two-inch long rock. It whimpered. "Bye bye Pidgey..." it said as it was about to cry, before snapping out of it. "Oh, right! I can bring it back!" it exclaimed, giggling and clapping its hands. The Pidgey soon glowed and recombined. Freaked out, it flew away, leaving the god crying as it was left all alone again. It missed Lakinay and Sinferno, having not seen them for the last three years and year, respectively
    Hmmm . . .

    Allow me to look? Not saying anything about anyone's searching skills . . . no, seriously, I'm not.

    Have you checked the Social Group yet?
    But I wouldn't be able to catch him/her.

    Okay. Now I wonder how it'll happen. I know that Blade appreciated not being the only one to help Earacor, and I made (possibly) my last post in PotF have him congratulate her . . . it won't be too hard.
    I really didn't want him, because if I got him I wouldn't be able to get the wind one, y'know? And I think our characters should become friends in the next one.
    Favor-wanting~ could you make an avvie for me based on my ToTCoD char description?
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