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Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

"Yes, about those bounties...

"Did you think nobody would've noticed?" Bellatrix asked Ignatius, taking a few steps forwards. It seemed that the time for stalling and playing the part was over. "How, even by the very laws you claim to abide by, the crime, bounty and punishment did not align?" She shut her eyes then flicked her head towards Rin. "Or, how strange it was that despite having hired guards and watchmon, you felt it necessary to seek us out to repel and capture Sonora here? And lest we forget the eagerness you held to see her dead."

Her gaze hardened as her ruff and mane began to stand on end, raising and wavering in an invisible gale. "So, will you speak? Or would you prefer to have your actions and whatever you were hiding in those hidden halls condemn you further?"
Nova had silently crept inside to find a distinct lack of fighting. People were just slinging around accusations. Words didn’t make for powerful auras, as far as he was concern—

Something bad was about to happen to someone in here, wasn’t it? He didn’t need to be an absol to do the math. His eyes darted around. Source, source. There had to be a damn source somewhere!
"The fuck are you talkin' about?" she growled. "Like I could accidentally kill—?? You stupid fuckin' paw-licker. I shoulda kicked your ass properly."
"The fact that you think it isn't possible just proves to me you don't fuckin' understand the ramifications of your actions..." Corey growled, initially not taking his eyes off Sonora even as everything else transpired. Was he appalled by this Bisharp apparently sending her goons to attack civilians? Absolutely. Was he disgusted that the blatantly and almost-cartoonishly corrupt Empoleon was trying to essentially hide behind him and his respect for law? No doubt. None of that changed the fact that he was equally pissed off at this Grass Cat who seemed to believe her ends justified the means any more than theirs... and of course, that fresh bruise she'd given him had triggered that combative instinct in his head as well. Still, there was a time and a place for such confrontation, and even as his emotions ran wild in his mind, Corey hadn't lost all his rationality yet...

"Don't think any of this just lets you off the hook... and if you want to kick my ass so bad, you can go ahead and find me and put your money where your goddamn mouth is. You'll only prove my point." He'd indeed sensed the group discussion was turning more towards Ignatius' suspect behavior now, and so begrudgingly he decided to leave his thoughts on Sonora at that. He couldn't be interpreted as defending the mayor's viewpoint... Corey didn't mind being a number of things, but a mouthpiece for a corrupt politician? He couldn't accept that... One has to draw a line somewhere.

"The others raise a valid point, Mayor..." he began. "You've made it clear to us that you intend to see this 'mon hang. You can't say these things behind closed doors only to cover it up with the claims of a 'fair trial' when everyone's listening. You think we'd just stay quiet about that?"

He then turned his attention to the Bisharp. "And you... Are you fucking serious? You're attacking civilians? What kind of spineless bully do you have to be to do that, huh? You think having a bunch of pawniard lackies means you can just say whatever the fuck you want? Goddamn, this whole thing's a clownshow! You're all miserable excuses for Pokemon!"
"If you promise to linger where we can question you later, let's call a truce. I'm also interested in what this mayor is hiding. And I'm getting very tired of not knowing a thing about the town we'd appeared in."

Sonora nodded gratefully to Mhynt. "If I even make it outta here, I'd love to, darlin'."

"Yes, about those bounties... Did you think nobody would've noticed? How, even by the very laws you claim to abide by, the crime, bounty and punishment did not align? Or, how strange it was that despite having hired guards and watchmon, you felt it necessary to seek us out to repel and capture Sonora here? And lest we forget the eagerness you held to see her dead. So, will you speak? Or would you prefer to have your actions and whatever you were hiding in those hidden halls condemn you further?"

Ignatius scoffed. "Is this your idea of professionalism, Ms Bellatrix? I don't recall you having so many scruples when you agreed to work for me." He shook his head scornfully. "No, I have every confidence that these accusations will wash out in the due course of time, and I will simply have to find more reliable personnel in the future. Your services are no longer required."

"The fact that you think it isn't possible just proves to me you don't fuckin' understand the ramifications of your actions... Don't think any of this just lets you off the hook... and if you want to kick my ass so bad, you can go ahead and find me and put your money where your goddamn mouth is. You'll only prove my point."

Sonora stared at the Ralts like he was from the moon, her eyes popping, for once short of words.

"The others raise a valid point, Mayor... You've made it clear to us that you intend to see this 'mon hang. You can't say these things behind closed doors only to cover it up with the claims of a 'fair trial' when everyone's listening. You think we'd just stay quiet about that?"

He then turned his attention to the Bisharp. "And you... Are you fucking serious? You're attacking civilians? What kind of spineless bully do you have to be to do that, huh? You think having a bunch of pawniard lackies means you can just say whatever the fuck you want? Goddamn, this whole thing's a clownshow! You're all miserable excuses for Pokemon!"

Rin didn't even blink. She just looked to the mayor for her orders.

"Any pokémon in the courtyard after it was closed was an unvetted loiterer and a possible accomplice of Floragato Sonora," began Ignatius, "and they should simply have left peacefully when required to."

Sonora shook her head, finally finding her tongue.

"What in the Saints' sight are you fuckin' talkin' about?" she demanded. Not of Ignatius – of Corey. "You lot attacked me and my crew first! And Pokémon can't fuckin' accidentally kill each other usin' battle techniques! Not unless they're a fuckin' human, or near enough! I don't know how the fuck it works on your Saintsforsaken world, but on Forlas, we don't keel over at the first stiff breeze! 'Miserable excuses for pokémon'?? You aren't a fucking pokémon, dipshit!"

Heads turned and guests gasped. Were it not impossible, one would think they'd rehearsed the reaction.

"Ah," said Ignatius. "We're doing this, I see."

More footsteps could be heard from behind Mabosstiff...

Hang on! Allies are nearly here! And they have something important to explain!
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"Did you think nobody would've noticed?" Bellatrix asked Ignatius, taking a few steps forwards. It seemed that the time for stalling and playing the part was over. "How, even by the very laws you claim to abide by, the crime, bounty and punishment did not align?" She shut her eyes then flicked her head towards Rin. "Or, how strange it was that despite having hired guards and watchmon, you felt it necessary to seek us out to repel and capture Sonora here? And lest we forget the eagerness you held to see her dead."

Kalas eagerly shook his head and waved a wing in the direction of Bellatrix. For heavens' sake, this was so not the time to unveil the group's own musings and deductions! Not when you don't have a good chain of evidence to support yourself. No matter what the cool theatre-in-a-box says....

Ignatius scoffed. "Is this your idea of professionalism, Ms Bellatrix? I don't recall you having so many scruples when you agreed to work for me." He shook his head scornfully. "No, I have every confidence that these accusations will wash out in the due course of time, and I will simply have to find more reliable personnel in the future. Your services are no longer required."

Kalas just. Like. Rolled his eyes. And hung his head down.

Thanks for ruining our salaries on week one, Bellatrix...

The cloud mission control thingy better came in with good news.
"If'n it pleases you, kiddo," drawled Sonora, putting out an arm to block the brunt of Koa's strike, before neatly stepping forward and overbalancing the young Electrike onto his back. So much for all those martial arts lessons, now that he was a dog...

Koa growled low in annoyance, scrambling to his feet. He bit back anger, instead analyzing for a moment. It could have been much worse. Sonora proved herself a skilled fighter, but she hadn't gone half as hard as she could have, despite the sting of the attack, and his bruised pride... Whatever kind of criminal she was, she didn't seem to have much malice either, which disconcerted him.

Take her down. Koa ignored the voice in the back of his mind. He had to wait and see, see what the mayor would do, and the rest of the their supposed team was trying. Except with every passing moment he trusted everyone around him less and less.

In a moment, she was back at it again, throwing barbed words as more fight broke out. Koa snapped his jaws shut and listened, holding back his instinct to strike again, and the turmoil of emotions beneath. Allegations, accusations, more smoke blowing and posturing and almost too much to keep up with, between half the team bursting into the room, and the noises from upstairs, and more guards arriving. It was chaos, and half the team was blabbing everything to Ignatius, the idiots, and the other half debating Sonora, and now some stupid Ralts trying to make a speech.

Except Sonora's angry response caught his attention. There was something else going on... I'm missing something.

Hang on! Allies are nearly here! And they have something important to explain!

"I guess we'll find out the truth in a second," Koa snapped out, casting a hard look towards the mayor, then back at Sonora.
Nip couldn't help but glance uneasily at his teammates. What were they doing? This was sure to get them chased out of town!

But something Sonora said caught his attention. Pokemon couldn't be killed by moves? Sure, there was something to be said about intent to kill, but...What kind of world was this, where pokemon couldn't accidentally get killed in a fight?

Awkwardly, he raised a paw to be even with his head, mumbling "I'm a pokemon..."
Hang on! Allies are nearly here! And they have something important to explain!

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait..." Odette was saying as she raced down the steps and into the ballroom. "Lets just try to have an ounce of--"

She hoisted her body up onto a table, and her jaws whipped around to face the crowd.

"Guess not," she muttered.

"̸H̴E̶AR ̴ME̵,̷ ̸H̷EAR ̶ME̷,̴M̴Y̷ ̷G̶U̶Y̴S̴,̴ ̵G̵A̴L̷S̴,̶ ̶A̶N̴D̷ ̷F̸U̷R̶R̴Y̷ ̶R̴I̸C̴H̷ ̶P̶A̴L̸S̴. ̴I̶ ̴W̷O̴U̵L̴D̴ ̵L̴I̶K̷E̵ ̶T̴O̴ ̸M̷A̷K̴E̸ ̶A̴N̸ ̴A̶N̸N̷O̶U̷N̷C̶E̵M̶E̵N̶T̵,̴"̸ Jawile shouted. Odette decided there was no point in fighting it, and pointed toward the mayor.

"̶T̶H̶A̴T̸ ̸M̸O̵T̸H̶E̸R̷F̸U̸C̴K̶E̵R̸ ̶I̶G̷N̵E̸O̷U̴S̴ ̴R̸O̵C̸K̷L̸A̶N̵ ̵I̸S̷ ̶A̵ ̵L̴Y̶I̷N̷G̶ ̶A̵S̸S̸ ̷S̸H̸I̷T̷B̶I̶R̴D̵ ̵A̸N̷D̷ ̴J̸U̴S̵T̷ ̶T̴R̴I̶E̵D̵ ̵T̵O̸ ̴H̷A̶V̸E̸ ̴Y̸O̶U̴ ̷A̵L̴L̵ ̷B̶U̷R̶N̶E̵D̵.̶"̸
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Rodion dashed into the room, stopping not too far from Sonora. He briefly glanced at Odette with a tilt of his head, before shaking his head and turning to Sonora with a small smirk.

"Need a helping paw?" he asked. "We picked up some stuff upstairs I think will come in handy."
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[[ooc note: most of the reacts here are from an older edit where Gladion heard more from Sonora and was ready to pick a fight over that info slipping.]]
"I have more pawns," she told him, thin-voiced. "Take care what you say next."
“More pawns? Appreciate the honesty, even if you could learn more about having a backbone from a Goomy. Still means—”

You aren't a fucking pokémon, dipshit!"
That cut through the din of background bickering.

“—it…” Gladion sighed, and fell back onto a more serious tone. “You know what? Decide if you’re gonna get in my way and fight or not. Now. Don’t care which.”

A chill of anticipatory dread running down his spine, he reached out over the silent connection.
Shit. Anyone know what’s going on? Please tell me she’s taking about someone other than us right now?
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Jade's heart was pounding. Whatever she'd been expecting on the other side of those manor doors, it hadn't been this. It was bad enough that back home was full of untouchable enemies with the law on their side who could make anyone into a criminal if they wanted--("The Legendary Pokémon and the humans associated with them are terrorists and I will not stand for it any longer.")--why'd it have to be the case here too?

But the voice kept saying that they had to be here for their allies. So she wasn't leaving. She had no idea how they were supposed to solve any of this, but she'd be here if she was needed.
As soon as Silver reached the messy ballroom, he stopped by a wall to take in what was happening, his gaze darting from a corner to another.

Bickering. Everyone was bickering. Corey and Sonora, then Sonora and Mr. Birdbrain, then the Body Pressing chimera and the Bisharp… Hm? And now that Mawile with that unhinged jaw was trash-talking about the mayor?

That… Gods, where were they? In some freaking kindergarten?!

He opened his mouth, wanting to make his presence and opinion known, but quickly decided against it and shut his lips. He rolled his eyes and shook his head in exasperation. ‘Nope! Not gonna deal with this nonsense. That’s beyond my inexistent pay grade.’

Huffing in annoyance, Silver simply sat on some debris and stared impassively at the chaos unfolding, his head on his paw and his eyes narrowed.

‘This is stupid. Can we just go back to throwing punches at each other? That was way more exciting than this circus show…’
You aren't a fucking pokémon, dipshit!
Andre covered his mouth with a hoof and immediately put it back down as he remembered that thing had been on the ground.

Well, the cat's out of the bag now, he thought. At least our little fuckup in Little Scriven doesn't matter now.

"̶T̶H̶A̴T̸ ̸M̸O̵T̸H̶E̸R̷F̸U̸C̴K̶E̵R̸ ̶I̶G̷N̵E̸O̷U̴S̴ ̴R̸O̵C̸K̷L̸A̶N̵ ̵I̸S̷ ̶A̵ ̵L̴Y̶I̷N̷G̶ ̶A̵S̸S̸ ̷S̸H̸I̷T̷B̶I̶R̴D̵ ̵A̸N̷D̷ ̴J̸U̴S̵T̷ ̶T̴R̴I̶E̵D̵ ̵T̵O̸ ̴H̷A̶V̸E̸ ̴Y̸O̶U̴ ̷A̵L̴L̵ ̷B̶U̷R̶N̶E̵D̵.̶"̸
Have them all burned? What was that about? Being a silver-spoon nepotism baby wasn't enough?

"Could you... please elaborate?" Andre said, trying not to sound rude.
Kalas looked at the situation going around him and wished that someone would just grab every Pokémon separately and put them each in their own little box. This is why you don't put perps together in interrogation!

Still, things were starting to sound weird. What was this about Pokémon being unkillable by moves? This was the first he heard of anything like this and, truth be told, Kalas felt there would be some serious words to be had with Cloud Assist once they got out of this brink somehow. Like, this would have been useful to know day one.

Now, if only something would happen, anything, to break this weird siege...


Rodion dashed into the room, stopping too far from Sonora. He briefly glanced at Odette with a tilt of his head, before shaking his head and turning to Sonora with a small smirk.

"Need a helping paw?" he asked. "We picked up some stuff upstairs I think will come in handy."

Kalas shrieked at Rodion, and at the idea of the Floragato getting more support at this time of all times. When Kalas asked for anything to break the siege, he didn't mean it like this!
Corey seemed to go silent as everyone else spoke up, either for different reasons or in direct retort of his earlier statements... It was hard to tell... Around the point when Sonora decided to out him and, by extension many of the others, as not originally Pokemon, the self-loathing voice in his head had wrestled complete control.

'You see? Even in another world, in another life, you only exist to ruin everything with your petty little outbursts and your inability to get over your fucking past... How many times do you have to prove to the multiverse how much of a miserable mistake of a person you are?'

He looked down at the floor... the voices all seemed to become little more than a blur as he fell back, staring blankly at nothing. He'd screwed up, again... So much for a blank slate. So much for being worth a damn. Couldn't even focus his anger on the right person for god's sake... Yep... Classic Corey... Once a fuck-up, always a fuck-up.
"We can talk this out later," Mhynt growled. "We have more important things to deal with right now..."

The sooner this supposedly wholly inexperienced cloud got things together, the better. So far, this entire fight has been a confused mess of smoke and mirrors. It was a miracle the other fragments of the team managed what they had. They were all barely created in this world -- she couldn't even conjure most her basic kit yet -- and they were taking on trained guards and politicians? How weak were these guards? Or... how strong were they?

They were in too deep to back out. Soon, they would find out...
[Ch01 Finale] ~ VS Ignatius
Sonora's face lit up at the sight of nearly a dozen allies pouring into the room. "There's that cavalry at last!" She must have thought that Mabosstiff had taken out Hob & Nero and any recruits, and that no help was coming... But Laura stumbled through the archway after Odette moments later, with the rest of her squad – and the Scovillain – close by.

"Hey!" called the Meowth. "Everyone, listen up! We have hard proof that the mayor is using blackmail and fraud to take control of this whole town—" here she glanced at Odette, only just registering what the fuck the Mawile had said "—and his guards just attempted to burn the evidence! This whole event is a racket! We—"

"That's quite enough of that," came Ignatius' raised voice. The Empoleon shot a querulous glare at Mabosstiff about that stray word 'attempted'. "I won't stand here and be slandered by a band of agitators! Bisharp Rin, Mabosstiff Raul – arrest this rabble. All of them."

The security chiefs nodded and barked their assent, and each advanced on the nearest group of heroic spirits. Rin scraped her blades together with a hideous noise, and Raul menaced his targets with a belly-deep growl. Ignatius swept up the northern staircase with surprising speed. Facing the exhausted Las Picaras and the 'mon who'd just fought them to a standstill, Ignatius cast his cloak back with one wing stretched wide, and activated a wonder orb at his hip.

Bisharp Rin used her Healthy Orb! -2 to Hex timers!
Bisharp Rin ate her Reflex Seed! +1 Acc! +1 Eva!
Mabosstiff Raul used his Healthy Orb! -2 to Hex timers!
Mabosstiff Raul ate his Cautious Seed! +1 Def! +1 Res!
Empoleon Ignatius walked to North Mezzanine!
Empoleon Ignatius used his Healthy Orb! -2 to Hex timers!
Empoleon Ignatius ate his Violent Seed! +1 Atk! +1 Mag!
Boss Attack! Ignatius is preparing Icy Wind, targeting North Mezzanine and North Ballroom!

"I gave you a chance to demonstrate your value," he declared. "You have squandered it."

Turn 4
[ ] Critical Objective: defeat Ignatius Voclain.
Phase 2 Combat Notes:
  • You are still in the same Squads, and can only interweave actions with your own Squad.
  • Please do use the three separate squad channels to reduce crosstalk between 32 different players!!
  • Each of the security chiefs is a skilled fighter acting as Ignatius' bodyguards. While they're around, you can't all gang up on Ignatius – his underlings will intercept you!
  • As such, Bandit Squad must defeat Mabosstiff Raul before they can attack Ignatius.
  • Similarly, Courtyard Squad must defeat Bisharp Rin first.
  • We've put you all in a zone with your squadmates for ease of strategising and targeting. Please keep to the couple of zones your fight is localised to whenever possible. Flavourwise, this is to avoid getting in eachother's way, as squad members are only "in sync" with their squadmates.
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