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Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

As he lunged, the Floragato socked him in the face. Stinging pain shot through his body as he was tossed backward, landing further back on the mezzanine.

A sharp spike of adrenaline had him back on his feet and going after her again in a second. Not that it did much. A few others were catching up with her, too, bombarding her with attacks.

"Why don'tcha ask yourselves," grunted Sonora, parrying another strike, "how the law works out here in the frontier? If they can hold a gal's pay and then report her as a thief when she takes what she's owed, what's stoppin' the powers that be from pullin' a fast one on any of you?"

The Floragato danced back along the balustrade, her face tense as she fought through the pain.

"Or do ya think you know a thief when you see one?"
Dave gritted his teeth, still keeping his voice down. "You think I'm here because I trust Mayor Fuckhead over there? I'm trying to get you to leave and live another day, you--"

A blaze of green struck him back down, then another blow that reverberated through his body like it'd struck some hideous note in his cells, and everything went black.

When he came to his head was spinning, body aching, muscles still straining to move. Fuck. What... What the fuck was that.

He'd attached one of the detachable satchels from his belt to his bowtie before coming, sticking a couple things from the Orchard in it, just in case. A small golden seed had gone black and crumpled.

“Hey, Poochyena, you alright?” He called up at the mezzanine. It seemed like the puppy Pokemon wasn’t down for the count just yet. Thank Arceus for small miracles, the Oshawott supposed.
"I'm fine," he growled.

He grabbed the Oran Berry out of the bag. This was supposed to heal wounds. It'd better work as well as the Persim.

Dave (31 STM, 13 TMP, -2 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Receive Call from Archie (+3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Oran Berry)
- Sand Attack @ Sonora (-9 STM, -8 TMP, +2 TMP)
Net change: -11 STM, -3 TMP
Net totals: 20 STM (31 after regen), 10 TMP

Alternative turn if no one depletes Sonora's evasion and the Sand Attack would just whiff for no reason:
Dave (31 STM, 13 TMP, -2 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Receive Call (+3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Oran Berry)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
Net change: +0 STM, +8 TMP
Net totals: 31 STM (46 after regen), 21 TMP
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"Why don'tcha ask yourselves," grunted Sonora, parrying another strike, "how the law works out here in the frontier? If they can hold a gal's pay and then report her as a thief when she takes what she's owed, what's stoppin' the powers that be from pullin' a fast one on any of you?"

The Floragato danced back along the balustrade, her face tense as she fought through the pain.

"Or do ya think you know a thief when you see one?"
The fur on the back of Nip's neck prickled. A part of him wanted to shout back that he knew all too well. Another part was afraid of admitting the same. But before he could make a decision blistering heat blasted his face. He helped, stumbling back before locking eyes with Sera.

That damn Growlithe! All Nip could focus on were those snapping jaws and how easily they could crush his windpipe if she wanted to.

"Come on, focus," he mumbled to himself, springing forward to strike with a light scratch and release more smoke. Perhaps all this haze would provide cover for the Bandits to run while they still had a chance, despite hindering them in battle.

The sound of Sonora's voice caught his attention. He spun around, catching sight of her above, and dashed in her direction.

Nip (30 STM, 4 TMP, 0 SPD, -1 ACC)
- Receive Call (+3 TMP)
- Scratch @ Sera (-4 STM, hit, -2 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Smokescreen @ Sera (-9 STM, hit, -2 TMP, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Walk to East Ballroom
Net change: -13 STM, +8 TMP
Net totals: 17 STM (29 after regen), 12 TMP
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Somehow, Andre got the feeling that the energy he had given Leaf actually did something. He decided to do the same again, feeling a slightly different kind of energy within him now...

Andre (Aux Spotter/Support)
Support: Support (Leaf, Defense)
Focus, focus, she'd chanted in her mind, expecting it to be basically impossible with multiple train wrecks crashing around her, but it was no big deal, apparently; the battle-rush cut clean through everything that didn't matter. (Everything.) The yelps of the panicked guests were just background noise, the others racing around her just part of the flow, the burst of flame from the snarling growlithe a hell of a lot less painful than it probably would be later (oh well). Duck here, turn here, watch how she's moving, wait for the others to give you an opening, strike... now.

Was this just what it was like to be a pokémon? In every single battle? And they could do it whenever they wanted? Hot damn, what a rush.

In a clearer state of mind, Leaf might have been more inclined to listen as Sonora ridiculed the mayor. She'd probably have felt supportive, hell, maybe even terrible for everything (everything) that'd happened. Shame that the battle-rush was so quick to overpower the sympathy. Bigger shame that, focus focus focus or no, it was struggling to overpower something else.

"Do you see? Do you see what it's like? No, even after everything I've done, you— you couldn't possibly understand, could you—"

Leaf shook her head, gritted her teeth, and snarled—to Sonora? to herself?—"Now is not the time!"

Leaf (24 STM, 13 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Dash to East Mezzanine (-2 TMP)
- Quick Attack @ Sonora (-6 STM, +2 TMP)
- Double Kick @ Sonora (-9 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
- Trailblaze @ Sonora (-15 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
- **Spotter T0:** Intel @ Sonora's defenses
- Walk to East Ballroom
Net change: +10 STM, +4 TMP
Net totals: 34 STM (45 after regen), 17 TMP

  1. Aux
  2. Nip
  3. Corey
  4. Archie
  5. Leaf
  6. Dave
  7. Bellatrix

Combat Intel:
Mhynt's Spotter Skill!
super-top-secret fancy phase 2 information goes here maybe?
Leaf's Spotter Feat! Sonora has 52 Defense and 52 Resistance.

Andre's Support Skill! +1 Def to Leaf!
Kalas's Support Skill! +1 Atk to Nip!
Wes called out to Nip!
Koa's Brawler Skill dealt 6 damage to Sonora!

Nip's Scratch dealt 4 damage to Sera!
His Smokescreen surrounded Sera! -1 Acc!
He Focused...

Corey Focused...
His Confusion dealt 5 damage to Sera!

Archie Called out to Dave!
His Water Gun dealt 5 damage to Sera! It's super-effective!

Leaf used Quick Attack on Sonora! Dodged!
Her Double Kicks dealt a grazing 2 and 4 damage to Sonora! It's not very effective...
Her Trailblaze dealt 6 damage to Sonora! +1 Speed!

Dave's Sand Attack flew toward Sonora! -1 Acc!
He Focused...

Bellatrix Focused...
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"Why don'tcha ask yourselves," grunted Sonora, parrying another strike, "how the law works out here in the frontier? If they can hold a gal's pay and then report her as a thief when she takes what she's owed, what's stoppin' the powers that be from pullin' a fast one on any of you?"

The Floragato danced back along the balustrade, her face tense as she fought through the pain.

"Or do ya think you know a thief when you see one?"

Stop. A tiny voice in the back of his mind sounded. He hesitated briefly. Everything wasn't adding up, and this mayor definitely had something to do with it all. Something he'd worried about from the start. But that didn't change what Sonora was doing either, did it?

"Alright, since y'all wanna chase me so much... C'mon, then! See what happens~"
It's a trap. A show. ...Fine then. His eyes darted around the field, scoping everything out. Sonora, weakened by the blows she'd taken, the growlithe, distant sounds of chaos upstairs. Sonora's taunting remarks.

Koa charged after her, electricity cloaking his body. Somewhere in the midst of the chaos, he heard Wes's whiny voice, going off about something. If he was fine just letting her run amok, that was his problem. His goal was still to stop whatever was going on. The mayor could be dealt with later.

"You want a fight so bad, I'll give you one," he growled. He lunged, telegraphing his blow purposefully as he swung at her. No feints, no tricks, but still a strike that could look real to spectators. Time to test this cats mettle. Find out her intentions.

Koa (Aux Brawler)
[Electric] Attack @ Sonora
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Bellatrix hissed as the burning wisps hit her, trails of smoke rising from her fur. Focus, focus, she told herself, running to the opposite side of the ballroom. Just a little longer was it? What was so important for Sonora to be down here?

Bellatrix (20 STM, 17 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Walk to West Ballroom
Net change: +0 STM, +10 TMP
Net totals: 20 STM (42 after regen), 27 TMP
Kalas had missed the chance to chase after Sonora, but that was not something he could fix; stronger fighters were after her, the situation was heated up and still no practical word from our dearest Empoleon host, nor if the charade was working.

The Floragato had a tale, one that Kalas had heard many times at home. Sure, in a world with established Pokémon and human cultures, there were network supports for the peoplemons who found themselves in a bad spot... heck, Kalas himself had ended up picking up a younger bird. He still held to the idea that no one was beyond asking for help.

Cry me a river. A convincing one, that would help, thought Kalas for himself while he listened to the discussions going on elsewhere.

For the moment, his focus was still to support getting rid of the local dog, and for that he turned to Nip, ready to assist in that pursuit.

Kalas (Aux Spotter/Support)
Support: +Attack @ Nip
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Archie seemed to be handling his own well enough, thankfully. Wes spun to face Sonora again, wondering whether he should fake his next attack—despite getting so dogpiled, she was taking the hits in stride. Wes had to admit he was impressed with her mettle.

But then a blur of gray blasted past him, snarling and lunging straight for Sonora without even the slightest pretense of restraint.

Shit. “Dave, wait—!”

Sonora knocked the Poochyena flat, and for a moment he lay horribly still. Wes bounded over and let out a breath of relief as Dave stirred and groaned.

“Gods, man,” he mumbled as he helped nudge the canine to his feet, “You could probably afford to have a little more self-preservation, yeah?” Not that he was one to talk, exactly, but…

Then he spotted Sonora making a break for it. “Take a minute to catch your breath and leave her to us,” he said to Dave before bounding after Sonora. It occurred to him that Dave wasn’t in the loop on the plan. Probably for the best he was out of commission for now.

He passed by a Sneasel squaring off against one of Sonora’s crew who seemed to be struggling. He barked a word of advice as he rushed past: “Distract them and aim for their left!”

But the voice’s pleas nagged at the back of his mind. Hold her off. Stall. But why should he? Why should he trust this voice at all, when they’d been nothing but cryptic and unhelpful so far?

"Or do ya think you know a thief when you see one?"

The anger in Sonora’s snarl erased the doubt in Wes’s mind. He knew. He knew damn well what she was feeling. And he was not about to get in her way.

Wes made a show of keeping hot on Sonora’s heels, swiping at her flank and deliberately missing. He spotted a tiny blur of blue close by and swore under his breath. That damn electrike. “Stay outta this, kid!” he spat.

Wes (Brawler Rogue Aux)
Action: Call @ Nip
You’re awfully chatty, aren’t you? So eager to tell us what to do but not why or what’s going on! You the cloud from before? Well, thanks for nothing, Vague Vaporpuff. Why the hell should I listen to you?

Oh! I am so sorry... I am trying to figure this all out myself! I am using very nearly all of my concentration to help you heroic spirits to coordinate in combat. There are two other battles going on right now, in the secret saferoom upstairs, and in the courtyard outside.

I am doing my very best, I promise..!
A hulking Tyranitar lumbered through the main lobby, refilling his plate of food. He got a small plate of some kind of cheesy soup. He also made sure to get a sandwich of some kind, though he didn't quite recognize what the ingredients were supposed to be. And to top things off, he also got himself a bowl of simple berries to snack on between the saltier dishes.

Chaos rained around him, and he lumbered back to his table just as the clashing got closer to the food area. "Yep. Always come early," Gerome drawled. "Before y'know it, everyone's grabbing a bite."
Turn 3
Allied Phase Results
"Is this really necessary? It's clear we aren't keen on taking you down. What is this stalling for? What's going on? I've dealt with far worse than thievery, and frankly-- I don't trust any of this. The sooner you use words between false strikes, the easier this will be for everyone. Stop wasting our energy fighting each other. This is absurd."

Sonora flashed a fanged smile at the teleporting Treecko. "Why don'tcha check out mister mayor down there, huh? Have a think about what he's not doin'. Surely you've heard the ruckus above us by now? But he's too busy ogling you an' me to pay it any mind! Which suits me just fine, partner! Don't you worry 'bout me and my plans~"

Combat Intel:
Mhynt's Spotter Skill!
For all his perceptiveness and intelligence, Ignatius' animosity towards Sonora is sufficiently intense that he's fully focused on the fight with her... and is therefore not paying attention to the clattering and thumping on the floor above, or the shouting and crashing out in the courtyard. It seems Sonora was right to think that so long as she grandstands in the ballroom, Ignatius would ignore her real plan, presumably being undertaken at this very moment by her heroic spirit recruits and the missing member of Las Picaras, Scovillain Hob & Nero.
Leaf's Spotter Feat! Sonora has 52 Defense and 52 Resistance.
Andre's Support Skill! +1 Def to Leaf!
Kalas's Support Skill! +1 Atk to Nip!
Wes called out to Nip!

"Excuse me, darlin', I gotta deal with your buddies," she purred. "Why don'tcha tell them to quit fightin', huh?"

"You want a fight so bad, I'll give you one,"
Koa's Brawler Skill dealt 6 damage to Sonora!

"If'n it pleases you, kiddo," drawled Sonora, putting out an arm to block the brunt of Koa's strike, before neatly stepping forward and overbalancing the young Electrike onto his back. So much for all those martial arts lessons, now that he was a dog...

Nip's Scratch dealt 4 damage to Sera!
His Smokescreen surrounded Sera! -1 Acc!
He Focused...

Corey Focused...
His Confusion dealt 5 damage to Sera!

Archie Called out to Dave!
His Water Gun dealt 5 damage to Sera! It's super-effective!

Leaf used Quick Attack on Sonora! Dodged!
...Sucker Punched for a CRITICAL 19 dmg! It's super-effective!
Her Double Kicks dealt a grazing 2 and 3 damage to Sonora! It's not very effective...

Her Trailblaze dealt 4 damage to Sonora! +1 Speed!
Sonora looks tired...

Dave's Sand Attack flew toward Sonora! -1 Acc!
He Focused...

Bellatrix Focused...

"Good grief, y'all," drawled Sonora, taking a brief moment where she wasn't under a hail of attacks to lean an arm nonchalantly on the balustrade. "All of you, and only the one of me, and here I am, still spittin'!"

She leaned over and spat on the ballroom floor, right where Ignatius stood. If looks could kill...
Turn 3
Enemy Phase

Sonora took a deep breath, and stepped up atop the balustrade to leap down from the mezzanine and re-enter the fray. She looked tired. Her fur was singed, and bruises showed on her arms.

"Don't think you've beaten me just yet," she sang, her voice tense. "Sera, you'd best get outta the fray, partner."

The Growlithe looked up at her leader with puppy eyes, but she shook her head clear as best she could and got herself clear of the melée.

Sera retired from primary combat.
Sonora dropped down to East Ballroom.
Sera's Support Skill! Sonora got +1 Acc!
Rocco's Support Skill! Sonora got +1 Acc!
Rillo's Support Skill! Sonora got +1 Res!
Carolina's Defender Skill! Sonora was warded against 25% dmg.
Vago's Rogue Skill! Leaf became Drowsy!
Sonora's Double Team! +1 Eva!
Sonora's Protean! She became the Grass-type!
Sonora's Trailblaze dealt 10 dmg to Corey! +1 Spd!
Sonora's U-Turn dealt 13 dmg to Leaf! It's super-effective!
Sonora retreated to West Ballroom.
Couldn't perform another action due to paralysis...

The Floragato looked exhausted, but she still managed to mouth something to Ignatius on her way past him that made his eye twitch behind his trident facial crest.

"Now would be a good fuckin' time for the cavalry to arrive," she muttered to herself. She cracked her neck. "Fuck it. I can't keep this up much longer, anyway."

Sonora is... giving up on the fight?

She levelled a finger at the mayor.

"Ignatius fucking Voclain is a swindler and a con artist," she snarled, looking around at the scandalised guests, "and he's got every intention of defrauding you lot out of your fortunes – not that I could give two shits about your fortunes – by buyin' up pieces of this town 'til he may as well be king."

She panted for breath, teeth bared in a savage grin.

"And if those footsteps comin' down the stairs are my crew, and not his? Then I can fuckin' prove it."

Ignatius' composure didn't break.

"I have been called worse, and accused of more outlandish things, by other common criminals," he said. Not to Sonora, but to the guests. "I am sure that this lost soul will have her chance to be properly heard in a court of law. A trial jury can decide what they make of her colourful language and fanciful theories."

Nervous tittering broke out among the guests. The footsteps grew nearer.

"Bastard," hissed Sonora, glancing towards the sound for signs of help.

"Thief," replied Ignatius, with uncharacteristic venom.

Wait, something is about to happen...!
Phase 1 Complete
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Sonora flashed a fanged smile at the teleporting Treecko. "Why don'tcha check out mister mayor down there, huh? Have a think about what he's not doin'. Surely you've heard the ruckus above us by now? But he's too busy ogling you an' me to pay it any mind! Which suits me just fine, partner! Don't you worry 'bout me and my plans~"

"To be fair you're the one keeping us busy!" Kalas spat without thinking it much. Then again, technically it *was* everything her fault!

...So far. If our dearest mayor turned out to be engaging in some real estate hoarding... it's the kind of forever-problem that he knew even this strange town in a "commonwealth" big enough to have figured out railroads, would have yet to put some checks on.

Kalas rolled his eyes. Real estate manipulation? Really? What "hero" can ever do something about that?

Nervous tittering broke out among the guests. The footsteps grew nearer.

"Bastard," hissed Sonora, glancing towards the sound for signs of help.

"Thief," replied Ignatius, with uncharacteristic venom.

Kalas rolled his eyes an extra time. Certainly there was no love lost between these two.
As the fight slowed, Nip tilted his head, breathing heavily. He had no concept of owning land except by shows of force. Other than the small tidbits he'd picked up in his short time in Theran Village, then here. Was this all some sort of territory dispute between Ignatius and Sonora?
Corey staggered a bit, reeling from the sharp pain brought on from Sonora's attack. He could feel an intense heat-like feeling coming from one side of his face... No blood... but that was definitely a bruise in the making... If ever there was a 'welcome to the world of Pokemon battling' moment, this was certainly one of them.

As he grasped the stricken side of his face and attempted to regain his focus, Corey listened in to what Sonora had to say as her crew retreated. Was her plan really just to theatrically talk all her foes to death or something? That seemed to be the only thing she had in mind between fending off attacks thrown her way and retaliating in kind. Corey would've figured if she had so much dirt to dish up on the mayor, she would have gone further than something like eminent domain. Sure that sort of thing was a major problem in its own right, but... a problem that required this kind of law-breaking, chaos-spreading disorder amongst more than a few people who probably just expected a pleasant evening? If she was trying to win him over, she wasn't doing a very good job of it.

"The Mayor's a swindler and a con artist... and this is a message you could only get out by wrecking his estate with a bunch of innocent people in it? Not to mention, you certainly didn't hold back all that much against a few paid guards just doing their jobs. If you're trying to play the heroic cat-burgler, maybe reconsider who you fuckin' endanger with your violent antics! What if you accidentally killed someone, huh? Would your conscience be so clear then?!" Ralts weren't exactly well known for expressing utter fury... Corey had no idea what he looked like at the moment, seething with past-trauma-induced vitriol, but by this point he hardly cared.

"To answer your earlier question, no, I can't say I know a thief when I see one... but I know the sort who think they're justified in doing whatever they want and hurting or wrecking whatever gets in their way... and you know what? From my experience, it's hard to tell them apart from the monsters they try to put away. You ever consider that one, big shot?" That was about as much as he could get out before the voice mentioned something about to happen. Corey winced at the warning, beginning to suspect that the night wasn't over just yet...

"Oh, what the fuck now..."
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Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Did… Did Sonora think the rest of these richfolk were actually going to care the Mayor was a robber baron? Was this whole thing really orchestrated because she thought she could give an impassioned speech to a bunch of wealthy elites and they’d turn on one of their own? This was what she was willing to risk her whole life on? Man, just how old was this cat? With this level of idealism... Archie was starting to feel like they were kind of beating up on a child, here. The Oshawott tilted his hat back so he could massage his forehead with a paw. He still felt so very tired.

Kalas seemed less than impressed with this whole turn of events. Corey seemed furious, but then the Ralts had just taken a pretty decent hit. Archie’s fur was a little singed from the Growlithe’s attack, but being a Water Type he’d escaped the worst of it. As for Ignatius, well, they all knew his talk of Sonora getting a jury trial was just that, talk. As far as anyone in the know was concerned, Sonora was…

“… As good as dead,” Archie slurred, “So long as you remain here.”
Mhynt lowered her guard near Sonora and looked at Ignatus.

"I have one question, sir Empoleon," she called, projecting her voice as well as a little Treecko could manage amid the sound of those walking down the stairs.

"For petty theft of one's withheld but rightfully due pay, why is the punishment so eagerly death?" she questioned openly, tapping her chin. She was taking on a curious accent -- like she was mimicking the fanciful class she openly mocked. "Why, that seems quite odd indeed. Surely that bounty is worth far more than what she could take in a lifetime. Seems quite... duplicitous. Hm?"

Gerome settled heavily in his seat, tossing berries into his mouth like popcorn. He was studying Sonora in particular...
You take your eyes off someone for one second to make sure their minions aren’t dying and they fuck off and hide again. Apparently this Bisharp could totally understand making considerations for self-preservation on the job as long as it wasn’t anyone else doing it.

Sure. People here were bickering with Sonora. Whatever. He was gonna ignore that. He had his own message. “Anyone see a Bisharp duck in here and hide?” As far as actual responses went, people seemed a bit preoccupied, but that wasn’t the point. It was a call to his teammates in format alone, if he didn’t want everyone to hear it, he’d have kept it to Violence Skype. “Had the Pawniard start attacking the crowd then fucked off when all the underlings they were hiding behind went down.”

That was true enough for politics.
"The Mayor's a swindler and a con artist... and this is a message you could only get out by wrecking his estate with a bunch of innocent people in it? Not to mention, you certainly didn't hold back all that much against a few paid guards just doing their jobs. If you're trying to play the heroic cat-burgler, maybe reconsider who you fuckin' endanger with your violent antics! What if you accidentally killed someone, huh? Would your conscience be so clear then?!"

"To answer your earlier question, no, I can't say I know a thief when I see one... but I know the sort who think they're justified in doing whatever they want and hurting or wrecking whatever gets in their way... and you know what? From my experience, it's hard to tell them apart from the monsters they try to put away. You ever consider that one, big shot?"

Sonora gave Corey a flabbergasted look.

"The fuck are you talkin' about?" she growled. "Like I could accidentally kill—?? You stupid fuckin' paw-licker. I shoulda kicked your ass properly."

Mayor Ignatius' disdainful sneer grew wider.

"Yes, listen to this young fellow! This is the lawless thief's answer to earnest, civilised decency! Profanity, confusion, and threats of violence – hardly better than a mindless feral."

Sonora's pupils narrowed to slits.

"What has the law ever done fer me?" she snarled. "Law's just your weapon of choice to fuck over everyone with less power than you."
"For petty theft of one's withheld but rightfully due pay, why is the punishment so eagerly death? Why, that seems quite odd indeed. Surely that bounty is worth far more than what she could take in a lifetime. Seems quite... duplicitous. Hm?"

Ignatius actually looked taken aback. "...Excuse me?" he replied, his voice growing dark. "This is a highway robber standing before us! A gang leader, no less! She belongs in a carceral facility, at best."

Sonora broke into bitter laughter.

"Yeah, you got that right. Ain't it funny, though? Y'know, how nobody ever seems to report any missin' goods when I hit your goddamn caravans, Voclain? You'd think I'd have a higher bounty by now... But you don't set 'em, do ya? And you can't raise mine without admittin' what I stole..."

Ignatius' claws twitched subtly, even as his face remained impassive. Even the most aloof guests were starting to look restless. The restless ones had started to gather on the far side of the ballroom, away from the action. Before anyone spoke, a Mabosstiff came barrelling through one entrance arch and gnarred viciously at the 'mon to either side of him. Sonora's face fell, and the Empoleon smirked coldly.

"Intruders on the upper floor, sir," he barked to Ignatius. "In the private hall. Took out my whole team, but we set the contingency, sir."

The mayor's mask finally broke, and Ignatius' glare flipped back to the Floragato, whose turn it was to smirk. Triumphantly, at that.

"You appalling, motherless wretch," he hissed. "What have you done? Worthless filth – I'll have your neck for this—"

“Anyone see a Bisharp duck in here and hide? Had the Pawniard start attacking the crowd then fucked off when all the underlings they were hiding behind went down.”

Bisharp Rin was standing just past the other entrance arch, surprisingly inconspicuous for an armour-plated 'mon of her size. She put out a bladed arm and blocked Gladion from moving any further inside.

"I have more pawns," she told him, thin-voiced. "Take care what you say next."
Mhynt was growing impatient with all of this going on. She glanced at Gerome, as if wondering if he was going to help at all. The huge Tyranitar only ate another berry, sparing only a glance at Mhynt, and then at all the others. He was merely... watching. Maybe he didn't want to get involved due to the political nature of it.

Sure was irritating when they were clearly in over their heads!

Mhynt had to clear the rabble. She glanced at Sonora.

"If you promise to linger where we can question you later," Mhynt said to Sonora, "let's call a truce. I'm also interested in what this mayor is hiding. And I'm getting very tired of not knowing a thing about the town we'd appeared in."
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