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  • Yeah, I couldn't live without internet.

    Anyway, ASB. I've always felt a little discouraged from it because it's kinda like roleplaying, which I'm not very good at, but I'll give it a go.
    I live in south-eastern England. When I'm not at university I live in the middle of nowhere, so there's not much to do, but apart from that it's nice. What's Pennsylvania like?
    Sounds good. I've never really thought that much about what I want to do with my life, it's always been a case of "get a job in whatever on-a-whim thing I decide to do this month". I've been studying Media for the last few years, so I know that's where I want to go, but I'm never really sure what part of the media I want to go into coz I enjoy it all - you could call me a Max of all trades.

    Yeah, I'm so funny.

    Aww, I never got to dissect anything. =(
    ... Okay, okay, so maybe I did dissect a cow's eye in grade 9 but my partner did most of the entire procedure and she wouldn't let me touch anything. =(
    ...On second thought, I'll just stick to calling you Scy until I can come up with a better nickname derived from Isaac. =P

    Well, it's your decision, now all that's left is to actually give the letter to him. Good luck for whatever happens from that point on.

    She gets on occasionally you know. She even left a message for me. :3
    Ooh, typo. I meant to type Saac. =P (You know, coming up with nicknames for you is pretty hard).

    Hmm..... To be totally honest, I have no clue what to say on the matter. Nevertheless, if that's what you feel you must do, then I say go for it; be brave and take the risk, but consider the consequences your actions may have and expect for variable change to occur.

    Why not just talk to her then? :3
    Aww, thanks, Scy— nah, I feel the urge to call you Sac instead for this occasion. ;D

    ...Farewell note? You don't plan to run away from your dad do you? O_O (Well that's the only thing that comes to my mind when you put it like that).

    And of course, we are gonna make 2010 a whole lot better than the year before! =D But I won't forget the year '09; I made a lot of precious friends and these forums have certainly changed my life for the better. =D

    Lastly... aww, I can't read Japanese... yet. D=
    i kinda figured u were joking (its mostly for my mom, but she says i can use it)

    it an ab circle pro
    hey, guess what! u wanted me to get an ab thingy before, rite?

    wel;l tomorrow when i go to the mall, im gettin one! :D
    Damn, I was going to call you to personally say the message below, but that requires me to make a long distance call which, according to my mom, costs a lot and once she takes a look at her phone bill it's going to cause a domino effect, beginning with the question "who made a long distance call?" followed by me trying to come up with an excuse, followed by my family discovering my life online and ending with.... I don't even want to say or think about it. Moving on... *ahem*:

    Happy New Year, Scy! =D What is/are your New Years resolution(s)? Mine is to finally get off that lazy butt of mine and do all the work that I've been meaning to do this last year (eg: actually continue my fanfic, learn Japanese via My Japanese Coach for the DS, get a better grasp of the French language, review for my driving test, learn how to animate, etc etc) and find a good paying part-time job so that I may finally buy the things I want but most importantly gain actual work experience.

    And lastly... I would like to say that 2009 was the best year of my life. You want to know why? During this year, I have made many friends but only three people who I can consider to be my best friends— you included out of those three. d^0^b Much to my dismay, though, those three friends are people I chat with online and live far away (which royally sucks balls) but just befriending them made this year worthwhile. *Sighs* I wish we could meet face-to-face.... To conclude, I'm happy with how this year has been to me. Also, thank you for being such a great— nay, awesome friend! =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    Anyway, i didn't say we have alcohol in school, what I said is that some guy that specializes on alcohol problems had a speech before half of my school.

    Then we were shown some creepy stuff about alcohol and all that stuff.

    Anyway, you dun like Chocolate? Well I do! Especially vanille one..*droolz*

    Whatever. So, what I wanted to ask is wether you just came up with the idea of 'hey lets make a ROM hack! Yay!', or wether you started plannnig BEFORE starting the project.
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