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  • I smite you all with the sheer force of my awesome verses and god-awful singing!

    Hey! I can make my own theme song if I could find someone to make the background music!
    Or I could just midirip something off of Final Fantasy :s

    And right after my scene in which I am the catapillar I have my solo. Which is to a random tribal song called "The Eel's Dance". Originally it was to Lovestoned by Justin Timberlake :s
    Then you are Shiva Midnight - Lyricist Deity.

    ...Sounds like a detective now for some reason.

    Catapillars with green sequins? How sparkly!
    Bwahaha. I like the part especially where you say something like: "Use your balls, Woman! Absorb it and use it to rebuild your energy!"

    ...Six arms. You are like, Shiva Midnight.

    And that sounds like some sort of famous singer's alias.
    Oh, well, according to you, I DO have the balls. Remember the last Tales of TCoD? I do believe an incident happening involving "Arylett's balls."

    Ah, then, you can lipstink epically! Still, I'd be afraid anyways.
    Oh, a daaance~ My head's a bit squonky at the moment, I'm rather tired. Hence why I seem so dense. XD

    But that is quite impressive indeed, to be in one of those and sing! I'd never have the balls.

    And that's fine~
    Oh yes, I remember. Like Wigglytuff.

    Aaah, I see. Is it a play of some sort then with minor excerpts of apparently agonizing singing?
    ...Oh dear. This certainly sounds like it'll be quite amusing indeed. And you're in this musical, are you? Are YOU mad?
    Uh, hey. I'd appreciate if you didn't send my girlfriend (L'il Dwagie) creepy VMs please. It's...well, creepy for both of us. Thanks.
    Basically, I licked him. But that was on random impulse like I had done in one other dream I had a really long time ago. :P
    the bus system here is confusing. the schedules don't really make sense, especially when a different route would've been a whole lot more effective, and would've helped a whole lot more people. some buses overlap eachother's routes. this is a smallish town, they don't need to overlap.

    and now the prices are dumb. they want to use a ridiculous price for the disabled/elderly monthly bus passes. people are dumb here. :V
    Well, Billings doesn't have a pretty layout, but it's easy to get around (once you get used to some of the stupid one way streets) after a while. Although the public bus route here is dumb. :|
    Ah. I went there for around a 3 day Christmas vacation like years ago. The layout of the place was... odd. :V
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