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  • Didn't I say I was an anglophile? Even if they weren't, it STILL doesn't change my anglobsession~ I'm just biased, that's what I'm trying to say. Biased towards England. I would die of awesomenocity if I went there.

    How did you sink it?
    It's a generalization. I know that it came from other places too, but the first settlers were English. Oh who am I kidding? I LOVE ENGLAND. ;;Waves English flag fanatically;; I'm an ANGLOPHILE. ;;Annoys English friends with fanatic questions, once asked English friend what it was like there, what the people ate, what they dresssed like, and just EVERYTHING;;

    I even spell "colour" with a "u" for God's sake. See how fanatical I am? Although I don't use "-ise", for some reason.

    Wales sunk the Titanic?
    Ahaha, but where did Americans come from?

    The English! Without them, there would be NO America.

    And what language came from England? English! The wonderful language that I love~ Americans may have a VARIATION of English, but it's still English, which originated in England, thus technically making English wikipages in their language.

    Although nothing can contend with a DRAGON on the flag. ;;Admits that that is awesomenocity, gives five points to the Welshies;;
    ...But England has Wiki pages in ENGLISH. Therefore, it does have pages in its own language again.

    AND I can understand England's language. Mostly. Some accents are a bit thick though.

    uh oops forgot to change the keyboard back

    Aaah. Sorry. For some reason, I always think of male dogs before females. I subconsciously give each type of animal a gender, for whatever reason.

    Sorry for offending your Growlithe.

    *Pats him*

    Is he a Growlithe, a Vulpix, a Houndour, an Electrike, a Poochyena or a Riolu-ish -dog?
    No, but it was a cape/cloak/jacket thing with a loooong feather boa, and it looked wingy enough to me. xD

    I'm really torturing you, aren't I?
    1) I made it.
    2) Yes.
    3) Amazing, but unappreciated.
    4) Not right now.
    5) No, but I could slam my cape over my brother's head and scream "NIGHT SHADE!"
    6) No. It's my costume. ):

    7) No, I'm serious.
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