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  • Your Avatar has reached a level of cute that scares me.
    Just thought I should tell you.
    (The eyes don't help, they look like they know something...)
    We always had to make sure to do that when he walked by or we would get in trouble X3



    Yay! Thank you again Mini!
    The teacher kept telling us to use the home keys, but when he walked away I went to how I do it normally. x3


    We were at the zoo and they let it out. I think it was a snapping turtle, he almost stole it too x3

    Hm...sorta sumg like! Smug and confidant :3
    I had to take typing class, so it helped somewhat x3


    I had a turtle bite one of my shoelaces before x3 *squeel*

    Thank you! :3
    I type like this when I type really fast : I type liek this when I tyep reallyu fasy. Haha x3


    I know! :3 They're so small and so shy when you pet them! *squee*

    Whichever one you want :3 Surprisingly enough, I made her with the normal color scheme x3 I surprised myself. Can you do it with the normal colors please?
    Yeah, one time I was typing in class and doing it really fast, and when I looked up I saw it was just gibberish x3


    I know! They swim and everything x3

    Yay! Can you draw a Weavile with a scar on her right eye and a navy blue feather on one of her wrists? :3 It's one of my OC's in Mawile's RP!
    No problem. It's fine, I'm sorry for the late reply, I've been really busy with school stuff. That's great!

    I'm afraid of making a fool of myself, and mainly of what others think.

    *hug* I just had my math finals today. four problems at the end really screwed me over. I'm better with math, I think. I'm not that good at memorizing history.*hug*

    Well, if it's that exclusive, why make it in the first place? (hopefully the second. </ButMostlyForGood.>
    Haha, I try not to do it when I type really fast.


    I have a soft spot for turtles too x3 ABAGOORA!!! KAWAIIII!!!!!!11!!1! Ha, just kidding too :3

    ok! We have so many twists planned for it already xD
    ...hehe, porblems x3

    ...me too. XD

    The adorable little bear with a snot droplett x3

    Are you still wanting to do an RP? You could join mine :D?
    In the same animal/spit family, cuz they have drool problems xD


    You could go into that art request thread by Ratty to request new art of Pokemon for your picture. I love that art!!
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