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  • Vey?

    'Tis okayariffic! I unnerstand, just remindin you that I ezzist is all.

    Mini! Little sister! It's fine! I don't need it by a certain date, it'll be fine whenever you get it done! I've drawn a Weavile once, but I had a picture reference. I'm sure it'll look awesome! :D
    Hi, Mini! Now, you were friends with Cloudsong, amirite? Well, I'm planning to try to make Cloudsong a coming-back gift, and I'm starting now so that I have six months to perfect it. The problem? I didn't talk to Cloudsong that much, so I really don't know much about his likes/dislikes. By stalking your conversations I have discovered that you, on the other hand, do. Now, if it isn't too much trouble, can you provide me with material or ideas for coming-back gifts for Cloudsong? Thanks.
    School isn't *that* bad...except for the work. xD Ziti? TOTALLY *SUPER AWESOME*. :3

    Tallahassee goes CHIRP CHIRP

    Books. Ace Attorney. Micheal Jackson. WATCH :O :D Nice! I got...a book and a few other things, mostly because I didn't really want anything. XD

    Math is my favorite subject. :3 Next to science... XD *cheers along*

    FLORIDA IS AWESOME except for no-snow. :P Why must it be so cloudless during winter?

    Ahhh you totally should. :D

    My school has this online thing for checking grades. It's supposed to be for parents, but mine never actually do. xD

    In other news, I'm now obsessed with Glee. :D

    Ahhh first response in ages that was within a day. *cheers*
    Meh, I originally got into pixels due to a urge to create pokemon, I watched a video about how to do that, did a few more, started splicing, found game maker, started making games and now I'm making a texture pack for Minecraft and learning how to use Blender. (INDEED, MA'M)

    Basically Pokemon got me started on Graphic design. How's the drawing coming along?
    I look forward to it, I can't draw but I'm pretty good at pixelart and animation when I want to be. (VERY MUCH.)
    I suppose the colour set could've been chosen to draw attention to the eyes and face or it could just be because of the evil eevee that made the artist do it. (INDEED)
    Meh, the Eevee is the only one that scares me, I suppose it's the contrast of the eyes against the fur and the fact that it's PURE EVIL! (Inorite?)
    School. School. More school. Ahhhh. :P On that note, how's school going? Make any thing *super awesome* in Culinary Careers?

    Pensacola goes GLUB GLUB

    Haha~ What did you get for Christmas? I got...a book. Actually like 3 books: one Sherlock Holmes, a Jules Verne book, and something else. :D

    Do you know how you did yet? I got a 95 on my math midterm~ :D


    How did that go?

    Ahhh old people niceness. They smile and stuff and it's so...nice. xD Old people meanness is worse than young people meanness. :P

    I promise I'll be better at responding now. :3
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