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  • ;-; Well, goodbye for another month...good to meeting you...;-; at least we get to talk to each other for two days a month, better than nothing...;-;
    I don't mind :33 I missed you too!
    You definatly you to post on Bladey's profile and and...other people's profiles! :D
    I know. But still, because of...um..nevermind. I bet it seems nice after boot camp, though. :DDDDDD
    o.o Anyway....I read the Weekend Pass thread (I subscribed to it) and so you're home now then? And do you want to go home...? That sounded wrong...
    :D I jumped when I saw your thread..that wasn't outdated! And cry in HAPPINESS :'D
    But it's a happy cry. Only three months! We'll be rooting for you :D And you should cry in happiness, you've had enough sadness ;-; But make it through for us!
    Uh, make that Silver WAS crying her eyes out. Now I'm crying in happiness. :'D No, really I am.
    :DDD A drawing and a note. At least once a month is better than nothing! :'D And notice how Silver is crying her eyes out on your profile ;-; Only a few more months...hang on for us!
    Cloudy! You're alive in that awful boot camp :'D I was so happy, even though you don't know me. But I know you partially! And it's nice to know you didn't forget us :'D
    Of course not! Neeeverrrr!!
    For about...2 weeks x3 But it was a sad 2 weeks ;-; Ask Bladey!
    Ah well. How have the past few weeks been treating you?

    (Seriously. Ironic that 'Coming Home' should start playing the second I realise you're here.)
    :D!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE HAS MISSED YOU CLOUDY!!!! I had to leave a while myself D: But 'twas not very long, unlike you :((
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