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  • Ah yeah, the law of three.

    I have not tried magic, in fear that the spell backfirs ha ha!

    But, is there a reason why spells backfire?
    I can't say much because I'm not a full-fledged satanist but...

    Reading Anton LaVey is really opening my eyes, in the sense that there aren't gods or demons, but just forces that you make. Sins are just instincts and more things like that regarding human nature. I want to read it again, slowly, but my friend has to be back in town and that's not happening for some weeks.
    I'm apparently being roped into playing a library spirit. (0_o) Cute idea, but a library spirit? A LIBRARY SPIRIT?
    I'm apparently the essence of a library. Okay....
    I see. They keep the uniforms, yes?
    At least my friends are thinking of roleplay ideas now, even the one who dislikes roleplaying. I guess I'll go along with her ideas.
    I bet one of the first few things that flashed through your mind when you read that was "Dear God, why?" But gay Nazis are a nice addition to anything! I don't like historical things, though, as I tend to inadvertently make them inaccurate. (Though, if it's just random historically inaccurate gay Nazis, it's not so bad. A World War II setting is pushing it- I'd probably stay far away, for I would ruin the atmosphere.)
    Um... Okay. I have no ideas currently, plotwise. I did have an idea that involved a city setting, and there was a neighborhood that was mainly full of odd creatures/anthropomorphic objects (like macaroni noodles), and generally attracted weird, weird things. I had a dream that inspired it, but it's hardly a plot, only a weird setting, and it's also very, very lame. (Plus, it is quite nonsensical. I don't see why anyone would want to roleplay that or even understand it.) I think the city was weird in general for some reason, and people who had odd powers lived in it, but the neighborhood was just full of benign, bizarre objects. I doubt anyone would think any other than 'Okay... Have fun with that Ayame,' or 'THAT'S A DUMB IDEA THAT MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE', but that's why I haven't done anything with it. I also had an idea for a shadier, less harmless area of the city that was kind of dangerous. Anyhow, nobody wants to roleplay that, especially as it lacks a plot. (It's partially based on this dream I had where I was Luigi, who was a superhero, for part of the time, and the neighborhood I imagined closely resembles the place from my dream.) So now you can see why people leave my roleplays alone.
    *has no idea what Andromeda is* Eh. My ideas for roleplays are just plain nonsensical. Sometimes they are a little scary. (And not the horror genre- just so bad that you wonder how a normal human being could have even thought that the idea would make a good roleplay.) *hangs head in shame*
    Hooray! I can never seem to find anything, and this forum has the best selection so far... That and this other forum. My friends might be coaxed to roleplay with me, but they tend to roleplay casually in script format over IM. I did roleplay with my best friend before. One of my friends kind of dislikes most roleplays. D:
    I bet I could. :D Do you roleplay often? I really wanted to roleplay today, but I can't find any... If you do roleplay, maybe you have some ideas? I'm terrible at maintaining/starting a roleplay, and I doubt people would join mine (my ideas have the tendency to not make sense, and I have weird taste), so I don't know... If you don't roleplay, that's okay. I used to do it when I was a bit younger (not very well), and I'm trying to get back into it.
    Mm, muffins. It's probably rewarding to eat things you bake yourself... I can't cook at all. I couldn't even make something simple. I could probably find some way to ruin a salad, or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
    When I was much younger, I used to pretend to cook and create random mixes of ingredients (honey, chocolate syrup, banana, sugar, jam), and it always tasted terrible...
    When my other dog got neutered I was pretty young, and I don't remember much, but I don't think neutering is as painful... Anyhow, can you bake? I can't!
    Yeah, we didn't want her getting pregnant at too young of an age, and her going into heat was annoying. She seems to be feeling a bit better, and she hasn't been vomiting, so that's good.
    Oh, things are pretty good, except my dog got spayed and is currently in pain and very groggy. We have to coax her into taking pain medication. It makes me sad to hear her whimpering like that... *sigh*
    Hello, Alexi. :D How are things? I know this is rather pointless, but I just wanted to say hello.
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