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  • Hey sorry I logged off immediatly yesterday, smexy.

    Anyway, I could not go check the books out... which was sad.
    I felt really sick.

    The good news... I had some fun with my dearest brother Alexis :D
    Nazi kNowledge powers gooo
    It really depends on a couple of factors. If he's high-placed (lieutenant and above) he'll probably be aristocratic, so a family name with 'Von' is indispensable.
    A couple of Nazi names, hm. Popular ones were Rudolph, Edmund, Andreas, Herbert, Helmut, Eric, Sigfried, Friedrich, Martin, Otto, Kurt or Hubert. Others I enjoy are Joachim and Konstantin. Lots of guys were named Joseph/Josef but since you already have a Goebbels and a Mengele I think it's a bit of an overplayed one.
    In family name territory, you have loads of stuff. Von Wahlstatt, Von Stalwitz, Von Essenbeck, Hötzendorf, Heindrich (is it's Heinrich it can also be a first name), Von Ströhm, Broszat (this is sort of plebian), Geerhart, Geering (not to be confused with Göring)...
    Any combination of these first names and surnames would do, really. Rudolph Von Stalwitz, Edmund Hötzendorf, Siegfried Von Wahlstatt, Joachim Geerhart, Otto von Essebeck.
    These are just the ones I can think off the top of my head, if you want some more I'll gladly provide them.
    D'awww, your teacher sounds like a good one! Ours just does not teach, he reads and writes everything from the book and doesn't really /know/ what he's teaching and makes us take notes without really explaining anything at all, just reads it all exactly how it's written. The other day, a girl asked him why our knuckles crack. HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW. You're an Anatomy teacher, for crying out loud! Feh... all he is is some stupid coach the school hired on a low budget. Or a retired coach.

    Mental chins?

    Oooh! Paper pants~

    ...It's Arylettmagic~ I think it's the fact that I go so much into repetitive detailed long rambling essays that the teacher somehow thinks it shows I have indepth knowledge on the subject when I'm really just making up bullshait off the top of my head. They love it, they eat it up... It's Ze Lettmagic.

    I have to get off pretty soon, so it's all right. Good night~! Another time, yes. ;;Aryletthugs;;
    I don't like Anatomy... it's really technical and Arylett is bad at memorizing parts and this goes there and that. She's not very science-y or mathy. Oooh, when we review I just draw~ Alexiorgamiboxes!

    Eeeep. It sounds highly unpleasant. Mine like... needs footnotes. I figure I'll just sort of vaguely research my topic, then gloss it over with some bull shaited crap. My teachers always eat it up~

    Oh I see. ...From cop to teacher? How does that happen?
    I have a D in History, some C's, and then some A's. But hopefully that test I did good on will be a booster. I STILL CANNOT UNDERSTAND ANATOMY GAH. But it's getting better~ Now it's Geometry that's my most painful class. It's a load of crap, just a bunch of stupid shapes and a teacher who barely even knows math and confuses me more with his stupid rambling which does not GET TO THE POINT, it makes my head spin. I've always hated math and I've always had low grades and sucked terribly... but at least I could undestand SOMETHING. With this guy I get nothing... ;;Arylettanger;;

    I have to write one on abolitionism or some shit. Essays are a load of crap. But I have to write it, I have that D in History. And then I have to do a damn oral presentation, with VISUALS in front of the class on my topic! Feh.

    ...Eeep, long-term bitch sub! She doesn't sound nice at all. I HATE teachers like that. I hope your normal English Teacher recovers from her car crash, eeep. And ewww... she sounds like an old lady trying to regain her youth.

    I'm not doing so well at the moment, though I got a really high grade on a test because I... oh my God... I STUDIED AND IT WORKED. My grades are a bit low, but I hope to get them up. Or for school to just be OVER, I hate AP classes with much intensity.

    I'll be hanging around the house, doing what I always do, talking to my random internet friends~ Oooh! I've been playing a few, in my spare time. Video games make Arylett happyhappy.

    And I should totally be sleeping right now, but if I go to sleep that means I'll have to wake up tommorow and do this essay because it is due Monday, bleeech.

    Oooh, it's been too long. ;;Aryletthugs~;;

    I've been mostly tired. Tired of school and blech, I can't wait until Christmas break. I'm just going to chill out here~

    What are you doing on it?
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