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    And I'm not going ANYWHERE. She kept her promise, my internet's not gone. Just as I thought! I'm still here, I'm still here! I just have to lay low, not go on as frequently, because she'll be watching me. And I'll have to stop staying up all night on my computer. But I'll still be on!

    I knew it. Ahahahaha~
    ;;Snackersnorts;; It DOES. You're a radio station! Oooh, what kind of music do they play on you?

    Awwww pssshaw. Arylett is not too cute for Tifa, Arylett is dorky girl with glasses and curly hair. This is not too cute for awesomenocity kick ass woman.

    Oh and Arylett is so silly. She fell asleep and left her computer on. AGAIN. She always does this. She'll just go to her bed to lay down and take a short "rest" and she always ends up falling asleep.
    WSNC! See? Didn't I say in that nickname thread that I love Nicknamery? I give people a bajillion nicknames and I can come up with a different one every day. X3

    I'd imagine a lot of people aren't like their avatars. Especially the ones with Pokémon ones. X3 Hmm, Tifa is cute? But surely she is too cute for Arylett!
    ;;Snortlaughs;; I snort when I laugh~ Also, I just gave you a new nickname! WSNC.(Wafflesauceninjacowboy as an abbreviation) Oh yeah.

    Oooh, I have Advent Children! Maybe I should get a Tifa avatar... ;;Ponders;; Hmm... but Tifa isn't a lot like Arylett, Arylett can't punch things and kick ass. But then again, Rinoa and Arylett are nothing alike either... hmm... ;;Contemplates;; I'm very picky about my avatar.
    Wafflesauceninjacowboy! ;;Does not know where this came from;;

    Lots, but I like them all. Or at least, all the ones I've played.
    ;;Imagines this, gigglesnorts;;

    Well, they're both in Final Fantasies, so I can see where you get that! They look alike, yes.
    Oh my God, Alexi. Oh my God.

    Are you okay? ;;Hugs;;

    Want to talk about it? Tell me all the details, if it's too much, you can PM me. If you don't want to say, that's fine too.
    ;;Watches in amusement;; Arylett somehow fell asleep back from the fridge. Now the Psychology homework remains undone.

    Ahahaahhaha! I don't know why everyone always likes Arylett's odd little phrases. But go on and feel free to use it. Hehehehe.

    ;;Fixes brain AGAIN;; Oh wow, if this is going to keep happening, I don't know what I'm going to do!

    Oh. I see. That's really quite a dilemma. I'm sorry, I don't have much helpful things to say.

    Arylett likes to talk in the third person. A lot! Aww, you are a lucky man. She wishes her parents were out on a set day every week! Also Arylett did something that she'll regret later and yet it feels awesome to say. New Arylett has much more guts than the old one! She cares a lot less about what people think.
    ;;Gives Hungry Alexi a bag of chips;; Arylett is hungry too... ;;Raids fridge;;

    Does "furr" really amuse you that much? I like the way it sounds, it is rather amusing!

    ;;Awesomenocityarylettdances. Hopes long word does not break Alexi's brain again;;

    Good luck. I really do wish you luck. It probably won't be very easy.

    Oooh. That's not a good feeling, I know. Maybe you should just let her know how you feel? Wouldn't that be better than letting her think something that might not be true? I understand that it's hard to tell the truth though, I've had much trouble with things like this. You don't want to see her get heartbroken. But I think the truth would be the best option, because then everyone would know.

    Arylett likes talking in the third person. It makes her very happy. She cherishes her alone time like you have no idea. Every time Arylett comes from school, all she wants is to be alone, take off her shoes and just relax. Alone time feels very nice.
    No actual snacks! It's another Arylettword! She likes to bend and twist English. Furr.

    Corporate Casual Arylett doll. Ahahahaha! That's a funny thought. ;;Thinks of it being one of those dolls with the strings that says things;; What would she say? "I'm a chocolate milkshake!"


    Ten months is a lot of time. You will, I'm sure, with all that time you'll have to think!

    Oh. So you've grown apart from her, sort of? What a dilemma, oh my. If she thinks or is in love with you... Are you really unhappy in this relationship? I'm sorry if that question was sort of... tactless.

    Arylett feels sort of bad for being pissy to her mom, but Arylett really can't take it. Arylett has little patience for her. And trust me, if you lived with her, you'd know why. But that is why alone time is excellent! A very good thing.
    ;;Snackers and snorts;; Hehehehehhe!

    Barbie line! X3 Oh wow. Corperate Casual Barbie! Corperate Casual... Arylett?

    Yaaaay! ;;Hugs Alexi;; No slurping, Milkshake Arylett is happy when her cup is full!

    Much luck to you. I only wish there was something I could do to help, but I really probably can't say much helpful. Try to be gentle. Just be calm, very calm about the whole thing, I'd say. Be cool. Don't make a big fuss of it.

    Aaaaah. Confusions? Would you like to talk about them or is it too much? My mom doesn't respect my privacy much, I'm afraid. Always barging in. All the time. And she's telling me that she doesn't like how I've been pissy to her. But really, I have no patience for her anymore, as I've said. You're right, I can't be expected to be Ms. Nicey all the time.
    I really don't know. It's like... a filler word. Yeah. I get a habit of weird saying weird random filler words that have no purpose. Like "Yes." For example: "I went to the store. Yes." Same with furrr. "Furrr. Today I went to the mall." I'm very strange in my speaking habits. I make up words. And I change people's names. I like to take the English language and twist it around.

    I've been told that I'm apparently "corperate casual" in style.

    Aaaawww. ;;Milkshake Arylett is sad;;

    I thought so. They should have a heads-up, about that. It would probably be a great big shock. Best let them know gently. You have to be very careful when wording those sorts of things.

    Don't you have a girlygurlfahrend? Or can't she go to the Senior Ball with you? Is she too old? Too young? But I agree, you shouldn't have to go if you don't want to, spend that money. Thank you for your support! I'll try to be me and so be it if it annoys her! I think my mom is very annoyed with me right now though. I've been really pissy to her. But she just enters my room without knocking. And I don't like that.
    Furr. ;;Still plotting;; Mmm... I don't really have any evil ideas yet.

    But suits are awesomeshorts! Arylett wears suits. All the time. To school. Without ties though. Women's suits.

    Milkshakes are good though! Ever had those with bits of candy in them? Ooooh. ;;Salivates;;

    I feel the need to be honest too. But not to my parents. They are an odd exception. I suppose I've become so used to lying to them that I'm okay with it. How would things be awkward at Christmas?

    My mom is really pissing me off right now, speaking of parents. Gah, she just won't leave me alone. She's going all crazyobsessive over picture day. And I really don't have the patience for her crap right now. I've lost much of my patience in dealing with her actually. I tried my best for last year's pictures, got really girled up, and she /still/ hated them. So I just really don't give a crap anymore. This time, I'm looking how I /want/ to look, not like she wants me to.
    ;;Is pondering ways to ruin this reunion;; Evil Arylett is evil. ;;Still has that Evilarylettplottingface on;;

    It sounds cool. I wish we had something like that. Dressing professionally. What does that entail? ;;Imagines you in a suit;;

    No slurping! ;;Milkshake Arylett does not like to be slurped;;

    It doesn't sound mean at all. It sounds just fine to me. Parents are parents. And they are like that, delicate creatures who can't really know. But I think ít best for them not to know for a very long time. Maybe when I'm much older. They may never know though. That sounds like a good plan to me.
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