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  • Hmm, I don't know the episode title. But Spock certainly lacked a beard. X3 And like, Evil Kirk was just <3.

    It's cool, take your time~ Oh, you're so sweet. =3 ;;Hugs;;
    Oh my, I just saw an episode of Starry Trek.

    And there were like, TWO KIRKS. An evil one and a good one.

    Oh my God. ;;Faints;; It's just... too sexy. <3

    Also, thank you for the advice in my thread. :3 I would really love for you to send me some of those tips via PM, I need all the help I can get to stop my Arylettlaziness!
    ACCESS DENIED. ;;Pulls you out of Arylettpants. Uses the MAN CRUSHER on Sexist Pig Alexi;;

    Whew... thank you hot dog man... thank you so much for saving my purity.
    ;;Chases, laughing manically;; Muhehehehehhehehe! Muhehehehehe! ;;Gets out the MAN CRUSHER;; >DDD ;;Evilarylettplottingface;;

    ;;Now explodes from all this dirtyness;; Oh. Deary! No... no! Need to find clean place of sanctity! ;;Runs away from Pervy Alexi;;
    Muhahahhaha! ;;Feminist Arylett has leveled up again! Learned MAN CRUSHER;; Oooh Alexi... >D C'mon my dear...

    ...Oh deary me. ;;Facepalms;; My cleanArylettmind cannot handle such dirtyness. ;;PrissyNaiveArylett implodes;;
    OH NO, YOU AIN'T GETTING AWAY! ;;Grabs Sexist Pig Alexi;; It's time to test that new abiilty. >D ;;ARYLETT used FEMINIST BITCH RANT!;;

    Awww, well when you put it that way... ;;Hands Pervy Alexi a tissue;; And no, there's nothing perverted about the tissue. It's a plain, normal tissue.
    ;;Feminist Arylett leveled up! Learned FEMINIST BITCH RANT!;; Oh hell yes! I've been waiting so long to learn that ability too! ;;Does victory dance;;

    ...Must you put everything in a perverted context? ;;Slaps Pervert Alexi;;
    ;;FEMINIST ARYLETT IS ANGRY! Feminist Arylett kicks Alexi's ass;; That'll show ya, sexist pig. D<

    ...But I want to be the milkshake! Can't I be a milkshake instead?
    What...? What does my femaleness have anything to do with it? ;;Uh-oh... Alexi has awakened FEMINIST ARYLETT;; I could've kicked his ass regardless of my gender!

    Ooh! And what do witch's wenches do?
    DD< ;;Kicks Spock's ass;; How DARE you kick his ass? That'll show you!

    So Alexi's a witch too? X3 What does that make me?
    ;;Arylettcomputer smirks. She knew that would work. Arylettcomputer does victory dance;;

    X3 I misread that as "Sexis Alexis". Oh dear, the spectacled eyes of blind Arylett~ Hmmm... ;;Observes;; What... what exactly do you use this ability for?

    ;;Smacks;; DDDD< Arylett's chest is off-limits! She keeps it covered up twenty-four seven. They are on LOCK-DOWN. LOCK-DOWN from the pervy teenage boys. :3 Oh careful now, dear, you may have charmed Mourmedy, but you can't charm Arylett~

    ...They've got anchovies! Noooo! I specifically told you in the mission statement no anchovies! DD< ;;Gives you an F-;;
    ;;Arylettcomputer says NOOOOOO! Get away! I'm rainbowy, remember? Arylettcomputer runs even faster;;

    ...Oh really? X3 A womanly form? And can you turn into Alexis at will?

    It'd get VERY messy. D: Cupcakes + Lady problems = Messy cupcake problems~ So I keep my cupcakes in my shirt. ;;Puts cupcakes out of shirt;; See?

    Good lad, good! Now... your next assignment is simple... ;;Mumblemumblemumble;; You got that?
    ;;Arylettcomputer is scared;; O: ;;Arylettcomputer runs away from aroused Alexibot;;

    ...Heehehehe. That's what we think. Rainbowy Arylett~ Likes teh women~ Oooooh, so many rainbows~ So sorry, Alexi dear about Arylett's rainbowness~

    Oh wow. I don't think it would be a good idea for me to have cupcakes in my pants though, because we women have a little thing... you know that thing, right? Lady problems.

    Good good! Huzzah! ;;Lifts scepter into the air;; Congratulations, you are now Agent 438! Serve your kingdom well... or Queen Arylett will unleash her ladyproblems attitude upon you!

    (Heh heh. :3 Thaaank you~)
    ;;Arylettcomputer bites Alexibot;; DDDD< ;;She is a feisty computer, ain't she?;;

    Well... ;;Mumblemumble;; I may like them OLDS and all, but even if you were a mummy... Dear, Arylett is a bit... well, we'll say rainbowy.

    Oh, why do they always have to be there? I mean, how big are your pants anyway, that you can fit all these cupcakes and muffins in them? You know, you could just go buy some cupcakes instead of keeping them in your pants. Wouldn't that be more comfortable?

    Good lad, very good! Now it's time for the spy ceremony~ ;;Gets out Queenly scepter;; Do you swear all your loyalty to the Arylettopian empire? To serve and honor us and spy on all other countries in the name of the ravishingly beautiful Queen Arylett?

    (Yes, I drew that. I'm so craaazy~ X3)

    ;;Arylettcomputer still deathstaring Alexibot;; DDDDD<

    Hmm... Mummies... Hey look, I'm not getting sick! But oh Alexi dear, I have another bad piece of news for you. D:

    Also, yaaay, cupcake! So the newly evolved Arylett wants some cupcakes~! Where are they~?

    Dammit! That was reverse psychology? ;;Queen Arylett is impressed;; Hmm... how would you like to be an Arylettopian Spy?
    Yaaaay! :3 Thank you~

    ;;Arylettcomputer is an unforgiving bitch. Arylettcomputer gives weeping Alexibot the ARYLETTDEATHSTARE;;

    Yes, REALLY fast. And all that aging will probably kill you~ Because nearly nobody (except Sarek. <3<3 Hot old vulcan~) can be as OLDS as Arylett wants them! Nor can they be as OLDS without making Arylett sick!

    ;;Smacks forehead;; Oh geez... uh... uh... There's no punishing this guy! ;;Gives up;; Fine, you are free~
    But then if Alexi is gone, Arylett will be sad! And then she won't have any more reason to procrastinate on her homework. D: So no exploding for you! ;;Shakes fist;;

    ;;Arylettcomputer says Hey man, NO. Arylettcomputer is angry at Alexi for violating her boundaries!;;

    But I'll still know, I'll still know it in the back of my mind! I'll know that you're not old! And then... and then... oh geez. ;;Arylettsickness hits again;; No, no! I'm like Mourmedy, you see! I get sick, I get sick when I think about hooking up with young people!

    DDD< Queen Arylett is still not pleased! Take him to... the Icky Dungeon! Ahahaha! You can't eat stuff in there, because it's icky!
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