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  • :D Yay~!

    (I've matured a little since we last talked, I believe. ALSO I FORGOT TO SAY I HAD A BIRTHDAY AND TURNED 10 8D)


    also I'll help you with the ASB things, if you need.
    D: I'll PM you (PMs are really very useful!)

    Really? 8D Aaagh, I wish I was around when you wrote those C&C threads! I would've tried to help D:
    Silver is good :D And I just typed up the most epic RP post I've ever made before How are you Cloudy? ^-^

    I've been good!

    though a reason I've been waiting for you even moreso is because I've been depressed lately D:
    You're leaving Monday? D: Why so soooooooooooon this is sad. You get a wram welcome because everybody loves you. <333

    I bet it would be hilarious to see. And not too embarassing if you have the right thoughts on the situation. My dad probably would make jokes about it for the next week or so. Right now he has proclaimed that one of my friends will forever be known as 'Doogie'.
    I'm glad you're glad. That could be awkward, especially with guests. A good conversation starter though.
    That's really good. I'm glad.
    (Bahahah. That's possibly a good thing. Hilarious as it may be.)

    How's it going? Do you have any more stories? x3

    We all missed you.
    We all missed you Cloudy D:
    Yes :D He missed you last time but he's on now :D! (i think)
    Cloudy! You're back! :D Ooh, I haven't seen such a big smile on my face in a long time. How's everything going, bro? <3
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