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  • It's one of my newest favourite fighting types! :3 But Eevee is always #1. Ask Mai xD


    XD I was laughing at myself yesterday cuz I started speaking spanish randomly around my mom! xD

    Okayy! My Yahoo! is in my info thingy. :3
    Aww. But ahahaha xD. That would make sense, though. Story time for me!

    About two years ago or something the teachers at my school make us write answers to prompts but I turned them into stories because I'm weird like that and this kid I never liked in my class (I can't even remember his name now!) was eventually killed in a zombie pumpkin war in one of them. Don't ask.

    Yes~ I loved being an eevee and Grovyle and Celebi are hilarious and the plot. Oh, the actual plot! :D

    Wow. I probably should write more or something, because that sounds crazy! But maybe I'm just lazy. Also, I just realized that rhymed.

    ...Maybe I should keep my responces timed.

    That sounds quite fun, although not entirely what I plan to be done. I will search for traditional candy and sweets, and in my easter basket will be kept other treats. My family hides them around the house, although to find them all it requires is the attention of a mouse. Going slow, and not to dart.

    Ah, that's smart.

    Also, I see you have an account in ASB. Would you like a present from me?
    Bahahah. That'd be really weird.
    (That's a little bit more complicated. Best of luck getting over that.)

    I do hope so, too many flies around here.
    Pokemon in my avvie :3 *pats back* 'tis okay!

    Me and my crazy self xD

    I knew it x3

    Where there's the little IM thingy?
    That must've been weird. If not 100% awkward.
    (It would, most people are subconsciously ashamed of their own bodies.)

    Not too much, I tripped over and hit my shin on a wooden barrel. Stings quite a bit at this point though.
    I need to buy a Mienfoo too xD

    I have reasons why I'm not one xD Cuz I would have been a long time ago if I didn't :o

    But you are laughing on the inside xD

    And you have to get a Yahoo! Messanger, you can group chat with Mewtini and I! :D
    It must be! :O I could never imagine doing that, the weights would rip my arms out of their sockets. D:
    That made me laugh. I'm glad you're not sore anymore, though! I just find the mental image of you running to different sergeants delivering messages such as "Hi!" over and over again.


    Zombies?! Hehehe, did you fight them off? ARE YOU A ZOMBIE YOURSELF NOW?

    Aww. I loved PMD <3~

    Medieval? Interesting. How long are they?

    Yeah... I'm glad you remembered your password. That would've been bad.

    Also, happy Easter! Are you going to color eggs or do a hunt while you're at home?

    To get back in, go to the bottom of any page in TCoDf. There should be a ASB Profile link. Click it~

    On the left, there should be a link saying "Buy Pokemon" click it, and from here it's straightforward c:
    That... That disturbs me. Very much so XD.

    Right now I've got a dent in my shin!
    At the bottom where it says 'Contact Us' and 'Archives' it should say ASB Control Panel.

    Not you too xD

    I was like 10, okay? xD
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