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  • Hi, Cloudy! Want a cookie? Here, it's fresh out of the oven.

    So, another pass, eh? How's it been going for you? Any better? Either way, we back here are ultra-excited about your return permanently. We're really excited about it.

    Start news!

    1. Silver told me that she might be gone for the weekend, unfortunately, as her sister is letting her come over to her house as a birthday present (or something like that). She may or may not be around to see you.

    2. When you get back permanently would you be willing to try to reinvigorate the Writing Collaboration Project?

    Well, other than that there's not much left to report. I cannot wait to see you very soon (in a metaphorical sense, of course)!
    You're coming back soon! :D Also, remember how you and I were considering a Mystery Dungeon RP with Smile & Flyte back when the LBP was around?

    There's a Mystery Dungeon RP now. Sure, it's different, but still.
    Cloudy! It's so close to your return, Cloud! It's not far off...

    :D Only a few more weeks...and then you'll be all ours to annoy be home! c:
    ... Bye Sky. That was a really good poem, and I just realized I accidently put worried twice in a row in mine. You really are good at poetry and art, and I hope you can come back soon. :'(
    All of us are eagerly anticipating your eventual return, Cloud. When's your next weekend pass?
    That's good; I was worried.
    I wish I was online, I should've hurried.
    Because you are leaving quite soon,
    I wish I could stay up with the moon.
    But my rhymes are not that clever,
    Not compared to Zecora, not never.
    GAH I didn't see this DX *slaps self*

    You're welcomeee (also I'm trying to become an ASB refereeeee)
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