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  • Like, really awesome. School's almost out, and I'm going to an amusement park on Memorial Day! :D
    Welcome. Would you like a coming back present for when you're here permanently?

    Heh. I'm actually not sleeping all that much, I've just turned nocturnal. xD
    A lot oof people seem to :o
    ...I can't think of any for that xD I'd still call you Cloudy! x3
    It's fun to talk like that :D
    I love that name and colour ^-^
    OOH! Change it to Cloudyy :D
    You are the only one I know :o)
    I'll keep it for the rest of my time on TCoD, unless I think of something fun :D
    That'll be fun~ What about ASB? I'm getting somewhat better now, and I'm in the tournament too. Facing off against Mawile this time.

    :0 I'm just trying to make it up by six! xD
    Good! So are you planning to get back in RPs soon? I suppose it would be hard to join now, but once you get back permanently are you going to try to join Sanctic or Dreams of the Past?

    It's okay. Sleep is wonderful~ Although lately I've been trying to cut back on it. ^_^' Get more time out of the day, you know?
    :D :D :D~! I missed you too~

    I was beginning to think you weren't coming back! :o I guess it was a bit silly to expect to see you right when I woke up.

    So how's it going?

    You're coming here todayyy (or tomorrow, not sure)~ :D

    Though I've been banned from the computer, and can only sneak on...; ;

    But still, :D

    Ahem. We really can't wait Cloudyy :D
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