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  • Oh, oh! What's being homeschooled like? Do you have a Summer vacation? Do you have marks or something? Do they give you tests? Do they give you lessons? Who's "they"? Do you learn for 12 years? What is a typical day? Do you learn the same material? Can you fail?

    (Holy... question overload)
    Your bedtime's one? AM? Approved by your parents? D:

    I don't officially have a bedtime, but my parents get all upset and questioning the next day if I go over 10:30.

    When do you wake up?
    True (to the third paragraph)

    Is it 1 am right now in your timezone? If it is... *tsk tsk* XD
    ... You know, I think you inspired me to make a piece of art or fanfiction :3. I find that image surprisingly cute too.

    And how did you know my parents usually hid the computer in their room? First time, Sun room, beside the cat food. Discovered it by accident when feeding the cat. Second time, under the bed, when I searched for it. Third time, in the South closet, far left side. Fourth time, in the North closet, third shelf. Fifth time, in the washing machine room/storage. That one was painfully obvious. And sixth and final time, in the leftmost, bottom shelf of the drawer. All but the first was in the bedroom.

    I find it honestly flattering that you picture me as a Bagon. It's what I look up to as a role model (see my poem). My favorite Pokémon is still Bulbasaur, though :)


    Even so. I don't know much about your dad but he reminds me a whole lot of my own from what I know of him. You were defending yourself.

    Ah. My parents always used to forget about my computer bans. They always took my laptop away. I'd always find it, and after a few days (usually 4 or 5) would take it and set it up on my desk like usual. And they wouldn't remember that they gave me a ban - that was supposed to be permanent :P

    Do you think that's a possibility with your parents? Of course, you don't have a laptop, but still...
    If you don't mind my asking, and it's fine if you don't want to answer, but what's your mom's take on all this?


    Ah. WAIT WHAT he is mad at you for trying to stop him hitting you this is very wrong




    Well, for one, the fact that you need to hide your being on here.
    ...Come to think of it, would it be out of character for you to ask your dad? If it's out of character enough, he might think "hm, she must really want this"

    Well, you're homeschooled, no? That's how much I was on the Internet when I was homeschooled for a year.

    How's...other stuff...?

    I know ;.; I'm sorry for bad timing

    I wish I could help you somehow, honestly.

    Ah. I'll request that our Zubattle have an indefinite DQ time, then.
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