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  • INDIGO :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D *hug* *hug* *megahug*

    My eye is hurting. And I'm worried Joanna might not make it...

    But the fact that I've seen you has made me so much less scared, it's quite bizarre. You seem to have given me hope that she'll make it, somehow.

    ALSO do you have any ideas how often you'll be able to get on here
    Hey, Mewty! Lots of stuff happened (such as registration to summer school, preparation for a furry convention I happened to attend, job keeping me busy constantly...) and I'm sorry to say but it looks like I won't be able to make that Java document for ya. Too many things going on at once. >.<;

    EDIT: ...Oh, I see that you've been grounded. >: In that case, I guess I'll see you once you get back online, Mewty!
    A lot of times being a friend is everything someone needs. I wasn't here, so I don't know for sure, but something is making these people miss you so much. Anyone who can generate that much positivity in people has helped me in restoring my faith in humanity in general.
    OK, stay solid and keep your promise k? Oh and I am glad you're ok. You are part ninja for sneaking on.

    Did I say 'stay solid'? Oh boy I've lost it.
    Hey, no problem. I'm the one who should be thanking you. It really touches me to see people like you.

    I also read some threads around here and pieced together what I could about you, since everyone loved you so much. I read about your father, and how almost-impossible it is for you to get help. While I sure as hell haven't gone through what you've gone through, I know what it's like to have pretty intense parent issues. I want you to take this number and call it if you have an opportunity.


    It's the National Hotline for the Polaris Project. It's for child abuse. It's not my place to say anything, but I want to help in any way I can.

    Stop by and say hi whenever you can so I know how you're doing :)
    I'm new here, but I can already tell that it won't be the same here without you. Hell, I don't even know you and I miss you. From what I can see, you've helped a lot of people and touched a lot of lives, which is a damn near impossible thing to do over the Internet as far as I'm concerned. You probably won't even read this, but I just wanted to try and make sure that you know that you have something to be proud of, judging by all these people's responses. If you're really not going to come back, take that with you.

    Also, your "total posts" reads 777. Jackpot.

    And from a complete stranger, I wish you the best.
    Cara bella, cara mia bella!
    Mia bambina, o ciel!
    Ché la stimo...
    Ché la stimo.
    O cara mia, addio!

    La mia bambina cara,
    perché non passi lontana?
    Sì, lontana da Scïenza,
    cara, cara mia bambina?
    Ah, mia bella!
    Ah, mia cara!
    Ah, mia cara!
    Ah, mia bambina!
    O cara, cara mia...

    Everyone misses you.
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